How to reset password

In this article, we'll show, how to reset your password.

From your account when you are logged in.

1) Navigate to this page

2) Click on "change password"

3) Enter your old password and set up a new one. Once ready, click on a "confirm" button

When you forgot your password and cannot log in to your account.

From Sign-in page, click on a "forgot password" button: 

Now enter the email address, you used to register an account at, and click on a "Send Email" button: 

Within 5 minutes, you need to receive an email from us. Please check your inbox or spam/promo folders.

Here you are: 

Enter this code in the form on the site. Once filled, the system will prompt you to create a new password: 

Now create a strong password and finish the process. Well done! 

Also, let us please share with you some best practices to set up a strong password.

  1. Never use the same password for multiple accounts.

  2. Don’t use personally identifiable terms.

  3. Avoid using common words or phrases.

  4. Use different types of characters.

  5. Make it long (10-12 characters).

  6. Consider spelling things wrong.

  7. Change your passwords regularly.

  8. Never save or share passwords.

  9. Use a password manager.

Based on the suggestions above, here is an example of a strong password - IwiCcR!fOdIiNkE