Airport Revenue Bond: Financing Airport Development

Airport Revenue Bond: Financing Airport Development

4 Min.

Airport revenue bonds play a pivotal role in financing airport development across the United States. This type of municipal bond allows municipalities and airport authorities to secure funds for the enhancement, expansion, or construction of new airports. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of airport revenue bonds, shedding light on their structure, tax implications, and regulatory framework.


An airport revenue bond is a type of municipal bond that leverages the operating revenue of an airport to secure the bond. Essentially, a municipality or airport authority issues these bonds, and the funds raised are earmarked for various airport-related projects. These projects could encompass improving existing infrastructure, expanding facilities, or even constructing entirely new airports.

Tax Considerations

One distinguishing feature of airport revenue bonds is their tax treatment. Similar to other municipal bonds, they are generally exempt from federal taxes, making them an attractive investment option. In certain cases, these bonds can also be exempt from state and local taxes, provided that the bondholder resides in the same jurisdiction where the bond was issued.

However, it's essential to note that the tax-exempt status of an airport revenue bond hinges on the airport's usage. If more than 10% of the bond's proceeds are allocated for private business purposes, it might be reclassified as a private-purpose bond, potentially disqualifying it from tax-exempt treatment.

Credit Analysis

Credit analysts play a crucial role in determining the creditworthiness of airport revenue bonds. They evaluate various factors, including:

  1. Airport Traffic: The amount of traffic an airport handles.
  2. Financial Performance: How well the airport is performing financially.
  3. Airline Utilization: The likelihood that airlines will continue to use the airport.

These assessments guide investors and stakeholders in gauging the risk associated with these bonds.

Regulatory Framework

The issuance and utilization of airport revenue are subject to regulation by both the U.S. Congress and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), especially if the airport operators have accepted federal assistance. These regulations define acceptable uses of airport revenue and include:

  1. Airport Improvements: Enhancing existing airport infrastructure.
  2. Gateway Improvements: Making airports more accessible and efficient.
  3. Safety Enhancements: Implementing safety measures at the airport.
  4. Capacity Expansions: Increasing the airport's capacity to handle more passengers and cargo.
  5. New Facilities: Constructing entirely new airport facilities.

These regulations ensure that airport revenue is channeled toward projects that benefit the aviation industry and the traveling public.

Other Municipal Revenue Bonds

While airport revenue bonds are a specific type of municipal revenue bond, it's important to understand that revenue bonds, in general, serve to finance income-producing projects. They are secured by a specific revenue source associated with the project. Other examples of revenue bonds include:

  1. Toll Road Revenue Bonds: Financing the construction and maintenance of toll roads.
  2. Recycling Plant Revenue Bonds: Supporting the development of recycling facilities.
  3. Local Sports Stadium Revenue Bonds: Funding the construction and operation of sports stadiums.

Government agencies, operating as businesses, can issue revenue bonds to finance such projects. However, it's worth noting that revenue bonds are inherently riskier than general obligation (GO) bonds. Unlike GO bonds, which rely on the full credit of the issuing municipality, revenue bonds are backed by the revenue generated by the project they finance. Consequently, they often offer higher interest rates to investors due to the increased risk.


Airport revenue bonds provide a vital means of financing airport development, ensuring that airports can meet the growing demands of the aviation industry. By utilizing the operating revenue of airports, these bonds not only attract investors but also benefit from tax exemptions, making them an appealing option for those seeking to invest in the municipal bond market. The regulatory oversight of the U.S. Congress and the FAA further ensures that these funds are allocated to projects that enhance airport infrastructure, safety, and capacity, ultimately benefiting travelers and the aviation sector as a whole.

Airport Revenue Bond
Municipal Bond
General Obligation (GO) Bond