Broker Booth Support System (BBSS) Explained

Broker Booth Support System (BBSS) Explained

4 Min.

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) used the Broker Booth Support System (BBSS) to speed up order flow between brokers and traders. Replaced by NYSE Tradeworks in 2004 for improved efficiency and scalability.


An advanced electronic system called BBSS was used by the NYSE to efficiently transmit orders between brokers and trading booths on the exchange floor. Before BBSS, brokers relied on paper forms and runners to convey orders for execution by floor traders. However, with the introduction of BBSS, the NYSE could manage over one billion shares in daily trade volumes. In 2004, the NYSE replaced BBSS with NYSE Tradeworks, a new electronic system.

Key Concepts

In the 1990s, electronic trading emerged, prompting stock exchanges to leverage new technology for enhancing financial trading procedures. The objective was to expedite and enhance the accuracy and efficiency of buy and sell order executions.

Broker Booth Support System

The NYSE introduced the Broker Booth Support System, an in-house electronic order management system installed across all trading booths on the trading floor. Floor brokers inputted all details into this system, creating digital traces and timestamps to uphold the integrity of trading activities throughout the day.

By recording each keystroke within the system, trades gained confirmation and prompt resolution of disputes became possible. Users could generate tailored reports from the compiled and organized data within the system. Although BBSS was rapid and efficient, it wasn't entirely immune to failures. There were occasions during its operation when the system experienced outages, resulting in partial halts in order processing.

Redundancy Features

In such instances, floor brokers reverted to traditional paper-based methods, manually jotting down orders and physically delivering them to trading booths until the transient technical problems were rectified. Consequently, robust redundancy features were later incorporated to avert potential future system glitches.

Physical Devices

The NYSE didn't limit its modern electronic trading implementations to just the BBSS. It also introduced e-Broker handheld devices for floor brokers, granting them the flexibility to move freely around the trading floor instead of being restricted to booths. Additionally, X terminals were installed at customer sites, provided by NYSE but set up by customers. These terminals were connected to the BBSS on the exchange floor, extending the full range of BBSS services to remote users.

The BBSS Replacement

After using the BBSS for ten years, the NYSE introduced NYSE Tradeworks, a new platform developed in partnership with IBM in 2004. The primary objective behind NYSE Tradeworks was twofold: to eliminate downtime and to establish a scalable framework capable of managing the escalating trade volumes effectively. This strategic move aimed to further enhance the trading experience for market participants.

Roger Burkhardt, the NYSE's CTO at the time, emphasized that while BBSS had set a benchmark for efficient order-management capabilities supporting trading activities on the floor, NYSE Tradeworks would not only retain these functionalities but also introduce fresh features and an improved user interface. This transition enabled the exchange to offer traders access to real-time information, not only expediting trade execution but also ensuring greater accuracy owing to the improved availability of high-quality data. During its gradual 18-month rollout, Lehman Brothers, an institution that has since become defunct, emerged as one of the pioneering entities to embrace and test the capabilities of NYSE Tradeworks.

Why Was It Important?

The advent of the BBSS marked a pivotal transition for the NYSE into the realm of electronic trading. This system eliminated the necessity for brokers to manually transcribe trade orders onto paper slips, which were then physically carried by runners to the floor traders. Instead, BBSS streamlined the process by enabling electronic management of trade orders, greatly enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of trading operations.


The Broker Booth Support System played a crucial role in the NYSE's transition to electronic trading. While BBSS set a benchmark for efficient order management, it was eventually replaced by NYSE Tradeworks in 2004. This new platform offered fresh features and improved scalability, further enhancing the trading experience for market participants.

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Broker Booth Support System (BBSS)