DeFi Liquidity Pools Explained

DeFi Liquidity Pools Explained

Liquidity pools play a vital role in the DeFi ecosystem, serving as a foundational technology. They are integral components of various applications like automated market makers (AMMs), borrow-lend protocols, yield farming, synthetic assets, on-chain insurance, and blockchain gaming.

At its core, the concept of liquidity pools is quite straightforward. It involves combining funds into a single digital pool. However, the question arises: What possibilities does this pooled liquidity offer in a permissionless environment where anyone can contribute to it?


The rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has revolutionized on-chain activity, with decentralized exchanges (DEXs) now posing a significant challenge to centralized exchanges in terms of trading volume. In late 2020, the total value locked in DeFi protocols reached nearly $15 billion. This remarkable growth has fueled the rapid expansion of the DeFi ecosystem, giving rise to innovative new products and services.

Explaining Liquidity Pool

Liquidity pools serve as smart contract-based repositories for pooled funds, facilitating decentralized trading, lending, and various other functionalities. These pools are integral to DEXs like Uniswap, where liquidity providers (LPs) contribute an equal value of two tokens to establish a market. By supplying their funds, LPs earn trading fees proportional to their share of the total liquidity present in the pool. This accessibility for anyone to become a liquidity provider has made market making more inclusive.

While Bancor was among the early protocols to adopt liquidity pools, the concept gained significant traction with the widespread adoption of Uniswap. Other notable exchanges on Ethereum that utilize liquidity pools include SushiSwap, Curve, and Balancer. These pools primarily consist of ERC-20 tokens, driving the liquidity within these platforms.

Liquidity Pools vs. Order Books

DeFi trading presents challenges for order books as trades are executed on-chain without a central entity holding the funds, leading liquidity pools to offer a different approach than traditional order book systems used in electronic trading. However, DeFi trading presents challenges for order books as trades are executed on-chain without a central entity holding the funds. Interacting with the order book incurs gas fees, making trade execution more expensive, especially for market makers providing liquidity. Additionally, most blockchains, including Ethereum, have throughput limitations that make it impractical to handle high trading volumes.

While there are decentralized exchanges like Project Serum built on other blockchains, such as Solana, which successfully use on-chain order books for fast and cost-effective trading, a significant amount of crypto assets remains on the Ethereum network. Trading these assets on different networks requires the use of cross-chain bridges.

Although solutions like sidechains and layer-two technologies are being developed to overcome these challenges, the current network infrastructure of Ethereum has limitations in terms of throughput capacity. As the DeFi space continues to evolve, exploring innovative approaches like liquidity pools becomes essential for providing efficient and cost-effective decentralized trading solutions.

What Are Liquidity Pools?

Automated market makers revolutionize on-chain trading by eliminating the need for an order book. Unlike traditional exchanges where buyers and sellers connect directly, AMMs operate as peer-to-contract systems. Instead of trading with specific counterparties, trades are executed against the liquidity within a liquidity pool.

In an AMM, liquidity providers deposit funds into a smart contract, forming the liquidity pool. When a trade is made, it doesn't require a traditional seller on the other side. The trade is facilitated by the pool's liquidity, ensuring sufficient funds are available for buyers. This means that even for token pairs with limited liquidity on order book exchanges, traders can easily enter and exit positions through AMMs.

When purchasing a token like the latest food coin on Uniswap, there isn't a direct seller involved. The transaction is managed by an algorithm that governs the liquidity pool, dictating the pricing based on previous trades within the pool. While liquidity providers can be considered counterparties in a broader sense, the interaction differs from the traditional order book model as traders primarily engage with the smart contract governing the pool.

By leveraging AMMs and liquidity pools, traders can efficiently execute trades on-chain without relying on centralized order books, offering greater accessibility and flexibility in the DeFi ecosystem.

Liquidity Pools Usage

Liquidity pools have versatile applications beyond AMMs. One notable use case is yield farming or liquidity mining, where users contribute funds to pools that generate yield. Liquidity mining has proven successful in distributing tokens by algorithmically allocating them to users based on their share of the pool.

Furthermore, liquidity pools serve as the foundation for various DeFi sectors. They support governance by enabling participants to pool funds and collectively influence protocol decisions. Liquidity pools also power insurance against smart contract risk, offering protection to users. Tranching, a concept from traditional finance, is another innovative application of liquidity pools, allowing liquidity providers to select risk and return profiles.

Additionally, liquidity pools play a crucial role in minting synthetic assets. By adding collateral to a liquidity pool and connecting it to a trusted oracle, synthetic tokens pegged to desired assets can be created.

The possibilities for liquidity pool utilization are vast, and DeFi developers continue to explore new and inventive applications. As the industry evolves, we can expect to uncover more innovative uses for liquidity pools in the future.

Risks Associated With Liquidity Pools

When providing liquidity to an AMM, it's important to understand the concept of impermanent loss. Essentially, it refers to the potential loss in dollar value compared to simply holding the assets. Impermanent loss can vary in magnitude, so if you're considering adding funds to a two-sided liquidity pool, we recommend reading our article on the subject to gain a better understanding.

Another factor to consider is the risk associated with smart contracts. When you deposit funds into a liquidity pool, they reside within the pool's smart contract. Although there are no intermediaries holding your funds, the contract itself acts as the custodian. It's crucial to be aware that if there is a bug or an exploit, such as a flash loan attack, your funds could be permanently lost.

Additionally, exercise caution when dealing with projects where developers have the authority to alter the pool's governing rules. Some smart contracts grant developers admin keys or privileged access, which potentially opens the door to malicious actions, including taking control of the pool's funds. To minimize the risk of falling victim to rug pulls or exit scams, we recommend reading our article on DeFi scams and adopting best practices to protect your investments.


Liquidity pools are a fundamental component of the DeFi technology stack, driving various decentralized applications. They play a crucial role in enabling decentralized trading, lending, yield generation, and more. These smart contracts serve as the backbone of the DeFi ecosystem, underpinning its core functionalities and are expected to remain integral to its future developments.

Liquidity Pool