Decentralized Exchange or DEX Explained
Crypto Fundamental Analysis

Decentralized Exchange or DEX Explained

Cryptocurrency exchanges follow a familiar routine. You create an account using your email address, generate a strong password, go through the verification process, and then you're ready to trade digital currencies. However, decentralized exchanges offer a different experience, eliminating the need for complex sign-ups. With these exchanges, you can directly trade cryptocurrencies between wallets, without the hassle of depositing or withdrawing funds. Third-party involvement is minimal, if present at all.

While decentralized exchanges may require some getting used to and may not always offer the desired assets, their significance in the world of cryptocurrencies is growing alongside technological advancements and increasing interest. They have the potential to become essential components of the cryptocurrency sphere.


Since the inception of Bitcoin, cryptocurrency exchanges have been instrumental in facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. These platforms have significantly contributed to the liquidity of the market and provided a means to establish fair asset prices. Initially, centralized exchanges held a monopoly in this arena. Nevertheless, as technology continues to advance, an increasing array of decentralized trading tools has surfaced, challenging the dominance of traditional players.

What Is a Decentralized Exchange?

Decentralized trades encompass a broad range of peer-to-peer swapping scenarios. However, our focus here is on a specific platform that mimics the functionalities of centralized exchanges. What sets this platform apart is that its backend operates on a blockchain. In this decentralized model, no entity assumes custody of your funds, and the level of trust required in the exchange is significantly reduced, or even eliminated when compared to centralized offerings.

How Do Centralized Exchanges Work Now?

When using a centralized exchange, you can deposit fiat currency or cryptocurrencies. However, depositing crypto means giving up technical control over it. You cannot spend it directly on the blockchain. You also do not have private keys to your funds, so you rely on the exchange to sign transactions for you. Transactions do not occur on the blockchain, but within the exchange's system, which offers efficient trading. However, this convenience comes with a risk of losing your funds to exchange theft or hacking. Despite this risk, many users trust reputable exchanges with robust security measures.

How Do Decentralized Exchanges Work?

Decentralized exchanges, or DEXs, exhibit both similarities and notable differences compared to centralized exchanges. It's essential to understand that there are various types of DEXs available to users. However, they share a common characteristic: the execution of orders occurs on-chain through the use of smart contracts. One key advantage of DEXs is that users maintain full custody of their funds throughout the trading process, ensuring increased security and control.

On-Chain Order Books

Certain decentralized exchanges operate entirely on-chain (we will discuss hybridized approaches shortly). Every order, modification, and cancellation is recorded on the blockchain, making this approach highly transparent. It eliminates the need to trust a third party to relay orders and prevents any attempts at obfuscation. However, this approach has drawbacks in terms of practicality. Since every node in the network must permanently record each order, fees are incurred. Additionally, one must wait for a miner to add the transaction to the blockchain, which can lead to a cumbersome user experience.

Some view front running as a vulnerability in this model. Front running occurs when an insider exploits knowledge of a pending transaction by placing a trade before it is processed, gaining an advantage over the public. Generally, this practice is considered illegal. While a global ledger publication eliminates traditional front-running opportunities, a different form of attack can arise. Miners, having visibility of unconfirmed orders, may prioritize adding their own orders to the blockchain ahead of others.

Off-Chain Order Books

Off-chain order book DEXs represent a more centralized approach compared to their fully decentralized counterparts. In these DEXs, orders are not posted directly on the blockchain but are hosted elsewhere. The specific location of the order book varies depending on the implementation. In some cases, a centralized entity assumes control over the order book. While this introduces the possibility of malicious activities like front running or order misrepresentation, users still benefit from non-custodial storage.

A prime example of this is the 0x protocol, designed for ERC-20 and other tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Rather than acting as a singular DEX, the 0x protocol provides a framework for "relayers" to manage off-chain order books. Leveraging 0x smart contracts and additional tools, these relayers tap into a shared liquidity pool and facilitate order relay between users. The actual trade execution takes place on-chain once the parties are matched. From a usability perspective, off-chain order book DEXs offer advantages over those relying solely on on-chain order books. They are not subject to the same speed limitations, as they do not heavily utilize the blockchain. However, it is essential to note that the trade settlement still occurs on-chain, resulting in slower speeds compared to centralized exchanges.

Automated Market Makers

In the world of decentralized exchanges, the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model brings a refreshing change by eliminating the reliance on traditional order books. Instead, AMMs operate on the principles of user interaction, game theory, and algorithmic wizardry.

The specifics of AMMs can vary depending on the implementation, but they commonly utilize smart contracts and employ innovative incentives to drive user engagement. Today's AMM-based DEXs are designed with user-friendliness in mind, seamlessly integrating with popular wallets like MetaMask or Trust Wallet. However, it's important to note that despite the streamlined user experience, trades on AMMs still require on-chain transactions for settlement, just like other forms of decentralized exchanges.

Advantages and Disadvantages of DEXs

Advantages of DEXs

  1. No KYC: Unlike many exchanges that require KYC/AML compliance, DEXs operate without the need for individuals to submit identity documentation or proof of address. This offers privacy and accessibility advantages, as users can trade without sharing personal information or possessing valid documents.
  2. No counterparty risk: DEXs don't hold customers' funds, eliminating the risk of catastrophic breaches and safeguarding sensitive personal information. Even in the event of a hack, users' funds remain secure.
  3. Unlisted tokens: DEXs enable the trading of tokens that are not listed on centralized exchanges, as long as there is demand and supply for those tokens.

Disadvantages of DEXs

  1. Usability: DEXs are generally less user-friendly compared to traditional exchanges. Centralized platforms provide real-time trades unaffected by block times, while newcomers may find non-custodial wallets and the associated processes challenging.
  2. Trading volumes and liquidity: Centralized exchanges still have significantly higher trading volumes and greater liquidity. In DEXs, trading pairs and fair prices for certain crypto assets may be limited, making it harder to find suitable trades.
  3. Fees: While fees on DEXs are not always higher, they can be affected by network congestion or the use of on-chain order books, potentially resulting in higher transaction costs.

It's important to mention that the cryptocurrency market is dynamic, and the landscape may change over time with the introduction of new technologies and improvements in usability, liquidity, and fees.


Over the years, numerous decentralized exchanges have emerged, each improving upon previous iterations to enhance user experience and create more robust trading platforms. The underlying concept of DEXs strongly aligns with the principle of self-sovereignty, as users can trade without relying on third parties.

The advent of decentralized finance has significantly contributed to the increased adoption of Ethereum-based DEXs. This surge in usage indicates a growing momentum that is likely to drive further innovation across the entire industry.