Essential Crypto Terms That Every Trader Should Know
Crypto Fundamental Analysis

Essential Crypto Terms That Every Trader Should Know

To facilitate trading conversations, here are some essential terms in a condensed form:

  • FUD: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt - Spreading fear and misinformation for personal gain.
  • FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out - The feeling of panic buying to avoid missing out on potential gains.
  • HODL: Hold On for Dear Life - Advises to buy and hold an investment for an extended period.
  • BUIDL: Focus on building the next financial system by diligently working on it.
  • SAFU: Funds are Safe - Assurance of the security of funds.
  • ROI: Return on Investment - The measure of profit or loss generated from an investment.
  • ATH: All-Time High - The highest price ever recorded for an asset.
  • ATL: All-Time Low - The lowest price ever recorded for an asset.
  • DYOR: Do Your Own Research - Encouragement to independently verify information and not solely rely on others.
  • DD: Due Diligence - Making informed decisions based on factual analysis.
  • AML: Anti Money Laundering - Regulations in place to prevent criminals from concealing illicitly obtained funds.
  • KYC: Know Your Customer - Regulatory requirements for exchanges to verify the identities of their customers.

These terms serve as a useful reference for traders during discussions and help ensure clarity and understanding within the trading community.


In the world of trading, whether you're involved in stocks, forex, or cryptocurrency, you'll encounter numerous unfamiliar terms. It can be overwhelming to navigate this specialized vocabulary, including terms like FOMO, ROI, ATH, and HODL. However, familiarizing yourself with these terms is crucial for staying informed about market developments and trends. Let's explore some of these key trading terms to help you better understand the language of trading and investment.

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD)

FUD, though not exclusively related to trading, is frequently employed within the financial markets. It involves spreading misinformation or discrediting a company, product, or project to generate fear and gain an advantage. This strategy can be used competitively or tactically, allowing individuals to profit from declining stock prices resulting from damaging news. The cryptocurrency realm particularly experiences a significant presence of FUD. Often, investors enter short positions in assets before releasing potentially harmful or misleading news, enabling them to generate substantial profits through short selling or buying put options. Additionally, they may engage in prearranged over-the-counter (OTC) deals. While some of the information shared may prove false or misleading, occasionally it does turn out to be true. It's crucial to consider various perspectives and analyze the incentives behind public opinions to obtain a well-rounded understanding.

Fear of Missing out (FOMO)

FOMO is the fear that investors experience when they rush to buy an asset because they don't want to miss out on potential profits. This intense emotion can cause prices to skyrocket. When many investors start jumping from one asset to another due to FOMO, it often indicates that the bull market is nearing its end.

In extreme market conditions, emotions can override the usual rules of trading. Many investors may make impulsive decisions driven by FOMO, leading to big price swings and trapping those who try to go against the crowd. Interestingly, social media platforms also use FOMO to keep users engaged. By mixing older and newer posts on timelines, these platforms make users feel like they might miss important updates, prompting them to check their feeds frequently.


HODL, a term derived from a misspelling of "hold," has become synonymous with the buy-and-hold strategy in the world of cryptocurrency. The term gained popularity after a post titled "I AM HODLING" on the BitcoinTalk forum in 2013, which contained a spelling mistake. HODLing refers to the practice of holding onto investments despite price drops, especially for those who are not adept at short-term trading but still want exposure to cryptocurrencies. It is also embraced by investors with strong convictions in a particular coin, intending to maintain their investment for a long-term horizon.

The HODLing strategy bears similarities to the buy-and-hold approach commonly seen in traditional markets. Buy-and-hold investors seek undervalued assets and retain them for extended periods. Many Bitcoin investors have adopted this strategy, which has proven highly profitable. For instance, if one had invested just $10 in BTC every week for the past five years, their investment would have grown more than sevenfold, demonstrating the potential of a long-term HODLing strategy.


BUIDL, a term derived from HODL, represents participants in the cryptocurrency industry who continue to build and develop regardless of price fluctuations. Unlike those solely focused on speculation, BUIDLers are committed to advancing the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem for the greater good. They genuinely believe in the potential impact of this technology and actively work towards its realization.

BUIDL embodies a mindset that goes beyond financial gains and emphasizes the importance of building robust infrastructure and applications that can benefit a vast number of people in the future. It serves as a reminder to remain focused and dedicated to the long-term goals of blockchain technology, even during challenging market conditions. BUIDLers recognize that teams with a steadfast commitment to development and a forward-thinking approach are more likely to thrive over time. By embracing the BUIDL mentality, individuals contribute to the growth and widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies, creating a positive impact on the industry as a whole.


SAFU, a term originating from a popular meme by Bizonacci, gained traction when Binance's CEO, Changpeng Zhao, assured users that their funds were safe during unscheduled platform maintenance. Binance responded to this by creating the Secure Asset Fund for Users or SAFU, a dedicated fund aimed at mitigating potential security breaches. The funds are securely stored in a separate cold wallet, serving as an extra layer of protection. In the event of extreme situations, the SAFU fund can potentially cover any losses incurred by users, reinforcing the notion that user funds are safeguarded. Hence, the phrase "funds are safu" is commonly used to emphasize the security measures in place.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment is a valuable metric used to assess the performance of an investment. It allows investors to compare the returns of different investments by measuring the gains relative to the original cost. To calculate ROI, subtract the original cost of the investment from its current value, and then divide that difference by the original cost. For example, if you purchased shares of Company A for $1,000 and their current market value is $1,500, the ROI would be 0.5 or 50%, indicating a 50% increase from the initial investment. However, it's important to consider additional factors such as fees, risks, time horizon, asset liquidity, and potential slippage to gain a comprehensive understanding of an investment's performance.

Calculating position size is crucial for investment returns. It helps determine the appropriate amount of capital to allocate to an investment. By effectively managing risk through position sizing, investors can protect their portfolios from excessive losses. Proper position sizing, combined with an understanding of return on investment and other relevant factors, can contribute to making informed investment decisions and optimizing portfolio performance.

All-Time High (ATH)

When an asset reaches its All-Time High, it means it has achieved its highest recorded price. This milestone attracts attention from traders and investors, as it surpasses previous price records and may not encounter immediate resistance. However, breaching the ATH does not guarantee indefinite price increases. Traders and investors often take profits and set limit orders at specific price levels. It's crucial to manage risk and use tools like stop-loss orders to protect against potential price drops. Market dynamics can change quickly, and investors must remain adaptable to navigate ATH breaches effectively.

All-Time-Low (ATL)

The All-Time Low represents the lowest price an asset has reached. It is the opposite of the All-Time High. When an ATL is broken, it can lead to a sharp downward movement as stop orders are triggered. Unlike the ATH, there is no historical price data below the ATL, making it difficult to predict when the decline will stop. Buying during this period can be risky, as the market value may continue to drift lower without clear support levels.

To mitigate the risks associated with ATLs, traders often wait for a confirmed trend change indicated by important moving averages or other indicators before considering entering a long position. This approach helps them avoid being trapped in a prolonged downtrend and holding losing positions for an extended period. Breaking an ATL signifies a significant shift in market sentiment, requiring caution and effective risk management strategies to navigate these market conditions.

Do Your Own Research (DYOR)

When dealing with financial markets, DYOR is a term related to Fundamental Analysis (FA). It stresses the importance of doing your own research instead of relying on others to make investment decisions. "Don't trust, verify" is a phrase commonly used in the cryptocurrency markets that expresses the same idea.

Successful investors appreciate the value of independent research and coming to their own conclusions. To succeed in financial markets, people need to create their trading strategies. This can lead to different opinions and strategies among investors, which is a normal part of investing and trading. While one investor may be optimistic about an asset, another may be pessimistic.

Different strategies work from different perspectives, and successful traders and investors often have different approaches. However, they all follow the practice of doing their own research, creating their own conclusions, and making investment decisions based on their findings. By following the DYOR principle, individuals can navigate financial markets confidently, using their own research to guide their investment choices.

Due Diligence (DD)

Due diligence is a critical step that individuals and businesses take to thoroughly investigate and evaluate before entering into agreements or making investments. It involves conducting a comprehensive assessment to identify and understand potential risks, as well as opportunities, associated with a particular decision. By performing due diligence, individuals and businesses can gather relevant information, analyze it diligently, and make informed choices based on a clear understanding of the situation. This process allows them to mitigate risks, increase the likelihood of favorable outcomes, and make well-informed decisions that align with their objectives.

Anti Money Laundering (AML)

Anti Money Laundering is a set of regulations and procedures designed to prevent criminals from disguising their illicitly acquired funds as legitimate income. These measures make it challenging for criminals to "clean" their money by concealing or camouflaging its origins. The complex nature of financial markets offers various avenues for money laundering, including derivative products and intricate market manipulations, which can complicate the tracing of funds.

Financial institutions, such as banks, are required to adhere to AML regulations, which involve monitoring customer transactions and reporting any suspicious activity. This increased vigilance reduces the likelihood of criminals successfully laundering their illegally obtained funds, as their actions are closely scrutinized. By implementing AML measures, authorities aim to maintain the integrity of the financial system and prevent illicit activities from infiltrating the legitimate economy.

Know Your Customer (KYC)

Stock exchanges and trading platforms must comply with regulatory requirements imposed by national and international authorities. One crucial aspect of these regulations is the implementation of Know Your Customer or Know Your Client guidelines. These guidelines ensure that institutions involved in facilitating financial instrument trading verify the identity of their customers. The primary purpose of KYC is to mitigate the risk of money laundering. It's worth noting that KYC regulations extend beyond the financial industry and are typically part of a broader AML policy.


Understanding the language of trading is essential for navigating the ever-changing world of cryptocurrency. Whether you're a BUIDLer, a HODLer, or a trader, it's crucial to grasp the nuances of trading terminology, such as FUD, FOMO, and DYOR, to make informed investment decisions. In addition, traders must be aware of market conditions, such as ATHs and ATLs, and perform proper due diligence and risk management strategies. Remember, SAFU funds are always a plus, and KYC regulations are necessary to prevent AML activities. So, keep calm, HODL on, and don't let the FUD get to you.
