European Depositary Receipt (EDR) Explained
Crypto Fundamental Analysis

European Depositary Receipt (EDR) Explained

3 Min.

European Depositary Receipts (EDRs) are securities issued by European banks representing non-European company shares on local exchanges. They are priced in euros and offer access to global investments. However, currency risk and low liquidity can be concerns.


European Depositary Receipts are financial instruments issued by European banks to facilitate international investments. They act as a bridge between European investors and non-European companies. Here's a breakdown of the essentials:


EDRs serve as a means for non-European companies to tap into European markets and attract a broader base of investors. Simultaneously, they offer European investors a hassle-free way to access shares of foreign firms.

EDR Creation

When a European-based bank identifies a public company that meets local exchange requirements, it purchases a block of the company's shares and places them in its custody. These shares are then bundled and reissued in local currencies (usually euros) for trading and settlement on local exchanges.

Bank Responsibilities

Beyond creating EDRs, banks take on several responsibilities, including handling dividend payments, currency conversions, and distributing receipts. They also provide EDR holders with essential shareholder information, such as annual reports and proxy filings.

EDR Risks

Investing in foreign securities on a local exchange is attractive to European investors. Nonetheless, two primary risks accompany this approach. The first risk is currency-related.

For instance, consider a U.S. company's stock bought by a European investor. If, over time, the U.S. dollar weakens in comparison to the euro, the value of the investment in EDR (European Depository Receipts) diminishes.

The second risk concerns trading liquidity. EDRs might suffer from limited trading activity, preventing investors from easily buying or selling shares at favorable bid-ask spreads and desired quantities.

Comparing EDRs, ADRs, and GDRs

EDRs vs. ADRs

EDRs and American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) share similarities but differ in crucial ways:

  • Purpose: ADRs allow non-U.S. companies to list on American exchanges, while EDRs enable non-European companies to list on European exchanges.
  • Pricing: ADRs are priced in U.S. dollars, while EDRs are priced in euros.

Global Depositary Receipts

Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) offer access to multiple markets with a single fungible security. Key points:

  • Markets: GDRs typically provide access to the U.S. market and the Euromarkets.
  • Issuer Benefits: GDRs are commonly used when issuers aim to raise capital in both local and international markets.

For instance, a Japanese company might opt for GDRs to access both American and European markets efficiently.


European Depositary Receipts play a pivotal role in international investing. They offer European investors the opportunity to diversify into foreign securities, while non-European companies can access European capital markets. However, investors must be aware of currency risks and potential liquidity issues when dealing with EDRs. Comparing EDRs with ADRs and GDRs helps investors choose the most suitable investment vehicle for their needs, considering their desired markets and currencies.

European Depositary Receipt (EDR)
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)
Global Depositary Receipt (GDR)
International Depository Receipt (IDR)
Depositary Receipt (DR)