MSCI BIC Index: Measuring Emerging Market Performance

MSCI BIC Index: Measuring Emerging Market Performance

The MSCI BIC Index is a prominent financial indicator that measures the performance of emerging markets in Brazil, India, and China. Managed by MSCI, a renowned American financial company specializing in research, data, and technology, this index plays a pivotal role in helping investors make informed decisions about their investments. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricacies of the MSCI BIC Index, its historical background, and the broader context of emerging market economies.


The MSCI BIC Index was officially introduced on December 30, 1994. It operates as a free float-adjusted index, where constituent weights are determined by market capitalization. The index covers the four largest and fastest-growing emerging market economies: Brazil, India, and China. It is important to note that the index originally included a fourth member, Russia, under the name MSCI BRIC Index. In 2022, MSCI made a significant decision to exclude Russia from the index by reclassifying it as "uninvestable.”

Periodic Review and Rebalancing

The MSCI BIC Index undergoes a meticulous review process every quarter, precisely in February, May, August, and November. This periodic assessment serves two crucial purposes: maintaining stability in the index constituents and accounting for changes in the underlying equity markets of each represented country. Currently, the index comprises 918 constituents, and it experiences rebalancing every May and November. During these recalibrations, the cutoffs for small, mid, and large-cap components are redefined.

Sectoral and Regional Weightings

The composition of the MSCI BIC Index is characterized by varying sectoral weightings. Notably, the index exhibits a significant presence in the consumer discretionary industry, constituting 22.54% of its total weight. Following closely are the financials sector at 19.56% and communication services at 12.96%. Geographically, China accounts for a substantial portion of the index, contributing 60.89%. In contrast, India and Brazil make up the remainder with 28.2% and 10.91%, respectively.

Performance Metrics

Performance is a key metric for any index, and the MSCI BIC Index is no exception. As of July 31, 2023, this index has demonstrated noteworthy returns, boasting a 3.43% gain for investors over ten years and an impressive 6.21% return over the past year. Since its inception in 1994, the index has accumulated a respectable 6.52% return, reflecting its enduring relevance in the world of finance.

The Evolution of BRIC

The term BRIC, which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, and China, was first coined by a Goldman Sachs economist in 2001. These four countries were identified as the largest and fastest-growing emerging market economies. This recognition led to the informal formation of a collaborative group consisting of their leaders. However, a significant development occurred in 2010 when South Africa was added to the group, transforming BRIC into BRICS.

Additional nations, such as Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates, were granted full membership in BRICS in 2023. This expansion is set to take effect on January 1, 2024, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of this influential economic alliance.

Understanding Emerging Markets and Their Risks

To comprehend the context of the MSCI BIC Index fully, it is essential to define the term "emerging market economy." An emerging market is characterized by its progression toward becoming advanced, as evidenced by several factors. These factors include liquidity levels in local debt and equity markets, the existence of a market exchange, and the presence of a regulatory body overseeing market operations. Although emerging markets are not as advanced as their developed counterparts like the United States, Europe, and Japan, they possess more sophisticated economies and infrastructures compared to frontier market countries.

Risks of Investing in Emerging Markets

Investing in emerging markets, including those represented in the MSCI BIC Index, is not without inherent risks. These markets do not boast the same level of market efficiency and stringent accounting and securities standards as advanced economies. Consequently, investors must contend with risks such as limited transparency, underdeveloped regulatory systems, liquidity challenges, and heightened volatility, which can significantly impact the performance of their investments.

The Emergence of MSCI's Emerging Markets Index

Before the inception of the MSCI BIC Index, MSCI launched the Emerging Markets Index in 1988. This pioneering index focused on 24 distinct emerging market economies, including notable countries like China, Taiwan, and India. As of July 31, 2023, the Emerging Markets Index comprised a substantial 1,422 constituents, underlining the diversity and complexity of emerging market economies.

History of the MSCI BIC Index

The origins of the MSCI BIC Index can be traced back to December 30, 1994, when it was introduced under the moniker MSCI BRIC Index. At this juncture, the index encapsulated the equity market performance of not just Brazil, India, and China but also Russia. Russia's allure to investors and analysts was attributed to its abundant natural resources, a stabilizing financial sector, and its openness to international markets following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russia's Reclassification

However, a momentous turning point occurred on March 2, 2022. In the wake of Russia's military intervention in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, MSCI made a crucial decision to reclassify Russia. Following extensive consultations with international institutional investors, a resounding majority voted in favor of categorizing the Russian equity market as "uninvestable." Consequently, Russia was expelled from the MSCI BIC Index. This dramatic development reshaped the index, reducing its constituents to three prominent economies: Brazil, India, and China.

Distinction from BRICS

While the geopolitical alliance BRICS encompasses South Africa as a member, the corresponding MSCI index maintains its focus solely on Brazil, India, and China, remaining distinct from the geopolitical group.

Investment Options for MSCI BIC Index

Investors keen on gaining exposure to the markets represented in the MSCI BIC Index, along with other emerging market economies, have a myriad of investment instruments at their disposal. These include:

  • American Depositary Receipts (ADRs): These facilitate investment in foreign companies' stocks listed on U.S. exchanges.
  • Closed-end funds: These are investment funds with a fixed number of shares and are traded on stock exchanges like individual stocks.
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs): ETFs offer diversified exposure to a basket of assets, including stocks, bonds, or commodities, and are traded on stock exchanges.
  • Mutual funds: Mutual funds pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities.

One notable investment vehicle related to the MSCI BIC Index is the MSCI BIC Index ETF (BKF), launched by iShares in 2007. As of September 1, 2023, this ETF boasts 644 constituents and manages assets worth $71.4 million. Investors in this fund incur a management fee of 0.69%.


The MSCI BIC Index is a vital financial indicator that measures the performance of emerging markets in Brazil, India, and China. Managed by MSCI, it plays a pivotal role in helping investors make informed decisions about their investments. While investing in emerging markets poses inherent risks, the MSCI BIC Index is a valuable tool for those seeking exposure to these markets.

Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC)
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS)