North Korean vs. South Korean Economies
Crypto Fundamental Analysis

North Korean vs. South Korean Economies

5 Min.

The economy of North Korea is tightly controlled and isolated, which leads to a failure to meet the basic needs of its people. Economists have trouble analyzing the North Korean economy because the data available is either non-existent, unreliable, or outdated. On the other hand, South Korea's economy is one of the most advanced and productive in the world, ranking 12th globally in terms of annual output. The economic growth of South Korea relies heavily on exports, and the country is a leader in the global market for semiconductors and memory chips.


After the Korean War's conclusion in 1953, South Korea and North Korea embarked on divergent trajectories. Separated by the demilitarized zone (DMZ), a narrow, four-kilometer strip delineating the 38th parallel, the two Koreas find themselves in desperate circumstances.

In the southern territory, South Korea has cultivated one of the globe's most advanced economies. In stark contrast, the northern counterpart is under the control of a military dictatorship that exerts rigorous control over economic affairs. North Korea, grappling with persistent food shortages and nutritional challenges, confronts a host of daunting difficulties.

North Korea's Economy: Kim Dynasty's Dominance and Isolation

North Korea, a nation long under the dominance of the Kim dynasty, stands as one of the most secluded countries globally. Ruled by Kim Jong-un's military dictatorship, the economy remains under strict control, encompassing nearly every facet of production and distribution.

The Kim dynasty's primary focus has historically revolved around its political survival and the pursuit of nuclear weaponry. Consequently, the nation's economic advancement has taken a backseat. Due to its profound isolation, partly attributable to international sanctions arising from its nuclear program, and the questionable reliability of government-released data, the precise details of North Korea's annual economic performance remain elusive. In 2022, the CIA estimated the nation's GDP to hover around $36 billion.

Persistent Deprivation in North Korea

Throughout its history, North Korea has struggled to provide for its population, with only a brief period of economic strength in the 1960s, surpassing its southern counterpart. A severe economic downturn in the 1990s devastated North Korea, causing a nearly one-third contraction and leading to the tragic loss of hundreds of thousands of lives due to starvation.

While conditions have somewhat improved, deprivation remains widespread. In 2017, the World Bank reported that over 50% of North Koreans lacked access to electricity. Notably, Chinese generators, recently installed, now supply more than a third of the electricity consumed in the capital city of Pyongyang.

International Assistance to North Korea

While the North Korean regime professes the principle of self-reliance known as Juche, it routinely receives aid and support from various international entities, including the United Nations and a select group of nations. Foremost among these supporters is China, North Korea's primary source of both economic and diplomatic aid.

Incremental Moves Towards Economic Reform

In recent times, the North Korean government has permitted limited free-market endeavors, fostering the emergence of a burgeoning middle class comprising traders and small-scale entrepreneurs. Reports indicate that Kim Jong-un is contemplating additional measures to advance and reshape the nation's economy.

To pave the way for economic progress in North Korea, one viable avenue involves harnessing its abundant natural resources, which are valued in the trillions of dollars. This is a key motivation behind neighboring countries like China and Russia expressing keen interest in investing in North Korea, particularly its underdeveloped transportation infrastructure.

South Korea's Remarkable Economic Ascension

South Korea's post-Korean War economic journey, famously coined as the "Miracle on the Han River," represents a spectacular transformation. Previously plagued by poverty and political upheaval, South Korea has not only ascended to the ranks of the world's trillion-dollar economies but has also secured a position within the prestigious Group of 20.

Currently, South Korea boasts the world's 12th largest GDP, housing renowned global brands such as Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motors. It stands as the premier global exporter of semiconductors and memory chips, although it faces intensifying competition from China, and ranks among the leading automobile exporting nations. In stark contrast to North Korea's virtual isolation from international trade, South Korea has become a pivotal player on the global export stage.

South Korea's Complex Economic Challenges

Despite its thriving democracy, South Korea's economic landscape presents intricate dynamics, with government involvement in shaping industrial strategies. The nation heavily relies on exports, constituting approximately 40% of its GDP. Consequently, any global downturn significantly impacts the country. Although policymakers have emphasized the necessity of cultivating alternative growth avenues, such as bolstering domestic demand, progress in this regard has remained sluggish.

South Korea's economic growth has decelerated and is projected to continue at a moderate pace, mirroring the trend in most advanced economies. The CIA Factbook anticipates annual growth rates ranging from 2% to 3% beyond 2018. Furthermore, South Korea grapples with various socio-economic challenges, including youth unemployment, elderly poverty, and less favorable demographic patterns.


North and South Korea have pursued vastly different economic paths since the Korean War. North Korea's tightly controlled and isolated economy struggles to meet basic needs, hindered by unreliable data. Meanwhile, South Korea has achieved remarkable economic success, heavily relying on exports, particularly in semiconductors and automobiles. Despite challenges like slowing growth and socio-economic issues, South Korea's transformation into a global economic powerhouse stands in stark contrast to North Korea's isolation and deprivation.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
South Korea
North Korea