Short Gold ETF: Leveraged Investing in Falling Gold Prices

Short Gold ETF: Leveraged Investing in Falling Gold Prices

4 Min.

Investors can capitalize on declining gold prices during periods of economic uncertainty and crises by utilizing short gold ETFs. They are ideal for contrarian investors who are seeking cost-effective diversification and are interested in leverage options for potentially amplified gains or losses.


A short gold ETF, also called an inverse gold or gold bear ETF, aims to profit from falling gold prices. Some provide leverage, amplifying gains or losses based on gold price movements, known as leveraged short gold ETFs.

Trading and Calculations

Traded on public stock exchanges, short gold ETFs demonstrate an inverse correlation to the price of gold. If gold rises by 10%, the ETF should theoretically drop by 10%, and vice versa. However, ETFs may have some tracking errors, so investors should consider historical accuracy.

The methodology for short gold ETFs can vary. Some link to long gold ETFs like SPDR Gold Trust, while others may connect to gold mining stocks or specific gold futures contracts. Understanding this calculation is crucial for investors. As of September 2023, gold is priced at around $1,850 per ounce, similar to the start of 2022.

Investing in Gold During Crises

Historically, investors have turned to gold during financial crises or times of inflation concerns. After the 2007–2008 financial crisis, gold prices surged due to worries about the government's monetary policy impacting the U.S. dollar.

However, some investors prefer to take a contrarian approach. Short gold ETFs offer a convenient way to do so without incurring transaction costs. Several options are available for such investors, including the DB Gold Short ETF (DGZ), which provides returns inversely related to gold's monthly performance, and ProShares UltraShort Gold (GLL) for those seeking leverage.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Short Gold ETFs


  1. Portfolio Diversification: Including a short gold ETF in a diversified portfolio enhances diversification. It balances and reduces correlation with traditional investments, as gold prices often behave differently.
  2. Protection Against Gold Price Declines: Short gold ETFs shield portfolios from potential gold price drops, mitigating losses in other gold-related assets if gold prices are expected to fall.
  3. Investment Liquidity: Short gold ETFs trade on major exchanges, providing liquidity similar to other ETFs. Investors can buy or sell shares throughout the trading day, ensuring flexibility and accessibility.
  4. Cost-Effective: Short gold ETFs typically have lower fee ratios than mutual funds, offering cost-effective access to short gold positions.
  5. Profit Potential: These ETFs can generate profits when investors accurately predict gold price declines. Their inverse performance allows investors to benefit from falling gold prices, even if the overall asset class loses value.


  1. Limited Diversification: Shorting gold is a niche strategy focused on a single asset class (gold). It may not provide significant diversification benefits to an investment portfolio.
  2. Short-Term Focus: Short gold ETFs are typically used for short-term trading to profit from rapid price changes, making them less suitable for long-term investors as a primary strategy.
  3. Market Volatility: Shorting gold through ETFs increases gold price volatility. Sudden price swings can lead to substantial losses for investors with short positions, particularly when gold prices surge. Leverage can amplify both gains and losses.
  4. Margin Requirements and Costs: Short sellers may face margin requirements and interest fees when borrowing shares from a broker. Some brokers have similar requirements for ETF positions. Margin calls may be triggered if the short position's value rises and requires additional funds or collateral.

Key Considerations for Short Gold ETFs

  • Hedging: Short gold ETFs can help offset losses in other gold-related investments by profiting from falling gold prices.
  • Taxes: The tax implications of short gold ETFs depend on your location and tax laws. You might face short-term capital gains or losses when selling ETF shares. It's advisable to consult a tax advisor for personalized advice.
  • Dividends and Interest: Short gold ETFs typically don't pay dividends or interest. Instead, they aim to mirror the inverse performance of gold prices, with gains or losses reflected in the ETF's share price."
  • Retirement Accounts: Short gold ETFs are usually allowed in retirement accounts like IRAs and 401(k) plans, following account provider rules.


Short gold ETFs provide inverse returns to gold prices, enabling investors to profit from falling gold prices. These ETFs are traded on major exchanges and offer benefits like hedging against gold price declines, profit opportunities, liquidity, and diversification.

Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)