Top 5 Oil Producers

Top 5 Oil Producers

7 Min.

Although renewable energy is growing, oil production still plays a crucial role in the global economy. The top five oil-producing countries in 2022, as identified by the EIA, were the United States, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, and Canada. The United States has been the world's largest producer of petroleum liquids since 2013, and it is currently also the top crude producer. China's oil production only meets slightly over one-third of its oil consumption, making it the largest petroleum importer in the world.


Oil plays a pivotal role in countries with substantial reserves, enabling them to exceed domestic consumption and generate significant revenue. Meanwhile, nations reliant on imports must consider oil-related expenses in their national budgets. The oil industry remains significantly susceptible to various factors, including geopolitical unrest in oil-producing regions, new oil field discoveries, and technological advancements in extraction methods.

In 2022, global oil and petroleum liquid production averaged 100.1 million barrels per day, as reported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Projections indicate a further increase to 101.8 million barrels per day in 2023.

Leading the oil-producing nations in 2022 were the United States, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Canada, and China. The United States secured the top position, yielding 18,875,000 barrels per day, while Saudi Arabia followed closely with an output of 10,835,000 barrels per day, holding a substantial 17% of the world's proven petroleum reserves.

Additionally, the Organization of Oil Producing Countries (OPEC) stands as a formidable international cartel capable of influencing global market prices. In April 2023, OPEC unexpectedly announced production cuts totaling 3.66 million barrels per day, equivalent to 3.7% of global demand, significantly impacting oil prices, which surged by 7%.

United States: Dominance in Petroleum Production

The United States has ascended to global prominence as the premier producer of petroleum liquids, contributing to a remarkable 20% of the world's production in 2022, with an average output of 18.9 million barrels per day. This accolade extends to the nation's unrivaled production of crude oil and lease condensate.

While petroleum liquids encompass a broader spectrum, encompassing natural gas plant liquids and biofuels, the United States has claimed the top spot as the petroleum liquids producer since 2013. This recognition is primarily attributed to the exponential increase in natural gas liquids extracted from shale deposits. However, it is important to note that in terms of proven reserves still residing beneath the Earth's surface, the United States does not surpass Russia and Saudi Arabia.

The surge in U.S. crude oil production can be largely attributed to the implementation of hydraulic fracturing, commonly called "fracking," within the extensive shale formations spanning from Texas to North Dakota. Furthermore, the development of the Marcellus Shale deposits in western Pennsylvania has substantially bolstered natural gas liquids production.

In 2020, a historic milestone was achieved as the United States became a net exporter of petroleum, with exports surpassing imports. Nonetheless, as domestic demand surges, the country is anticipated to revert to a net importer in the upcoming years, marking a notable transformation in the nation's energy landscape.

Saudi Arabia's Prominence in Petroleum Production

Saudi Arabia, a key player in the global energy landscape, emerged as the second-largest contributor to the world's total petroleum liquids production in 2022, providing 10.8 million barrels per day. This remarkable feat is accompanied by the nation's substantial share of the world's proven oil reserves, accounting for 17% of this valuable resource. In 2020, Saudi Arabia was the largest exporter of crude oil globally, a noteworthy achievement.

Of particular significance, Saudi Arabia stands alone as the sole member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to secure a position on this prestigious list, further highlighting its pivotal role in global energy markets.

According to the CIA World Factbook, the petroleum sector plays a pivotal role in Saudi Arabia's economy, contributing approximately 42% to its gross domestic product (GDP), a substantial 87% to its budget revenues, and 90% to its export earnings. Notable oil fields within Saudi Arabia include Ghawar, Safaniya, Khurais, Manifa, Shaybah, Qatif, Khursaniyah, Zuluf, and Abqaiq.

Global crude oil production, including lease and plant condensate, is projected to surge from 76.1 million barrels per day in 2020 to 99.3 million barrels per day by 2050. Simultaneously, total petroleum liquids production is anticipated to climb from 94 million barrels per day to 125.9 million barrels per day over this same period, underscoring the dynamic nature of the petroleum industry on the global stage.

Russia's Oil Industry Amidst Shifting Geopolitical Dynamics

In the realm of global oil production, Russia firmly holds its place as the third-largest producer despite facing economic sanctions and trade constraints following its 2022 invasion of Ukraine. The nation's significant oil-producing regions encompass Western Siberia, Urals-Volga, Eastern Siberia, and the Far East. Predominantly, oil flows from the West Siberia and Volga-Urals regions, with notable contributions from the Priobskoye and Samotlorskoye fields in Western Siberia.

The journey of Russia's oil industry reflects a path from privatization after the fall of the Soviet Union to a state-driven consolidation and restructuring in 2021. Leading the charge are Gazprom, Rosneft, and Lukoil, the prominent figures in the Russian oil and gas sector.

However, Russia's capacity for oil exportation has encountered recent challenges due to geopolitical tensions. Notably, the nation has slipped out of the list of the world's top ten economies since 2022, predominantly relying on natural resource exports rather than higher-value-added industries.

External pressures, such as sanctions, boycotts, and export limitations in response to the Ukrainian invasion, have taken a toll on Russia's oil output. While negotiations with strategic partners like India and China have provided some relief, internal political stability and security concerns came to the forefront, exemplified by the Wagner Group's brief mutiny.

Given the interconnected nature of the global oil market, any further disruptions or uncertainties in Russian oil supply have the potential to escalate prices universally, exacerbating the existing inflationary pressures stemming from the pandemic and the Ukrainian conflict.

Canada's Role in Global Petroleum Liquid Production

Canada secured the fourth position in the global hierarchy of petroleum liquids production. Notably, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecasts substantial growth in Canada's crude oil and condensate output, projecting an increase from 4.2 million barrels per day in 2020 to 6.9 million barrels per day by 2050, driven predominantly by oil sands production.

The primary epicenters of Canada's oil production encompass the oil sands of Alberta, the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, and the offshore fields in the Atlantic. This diversification of sources underscores Canada's pivotal role in the global petroleum landscape.

China's Role in Global Oil Production and Consumption

China holds the distinguished position of being one of the top 5 global oil producers. A significant milestone was reached in 2017 when China surpassed the United States to become the world's largest oil importer. Presently, it stands as the second-largest oil consumer on the global stage, trailing only the United States.

The heart of China's domestic oil production resides in the northeast and north-central regions, where the legacy of oil drilling dates back to the 1960s. To counteract production declines in mature fields like Daqing, companies have increasingly turned to innovative Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques, including polymer and steam flooding, as well as water injection, to sustain and optimize their oil extraction operations.


Amidst the expansion of renewable energy and a pandemic-induced dip in demand linked to COVID-19, oil production maintains a substantial presence in the global economy. Remarkably, global petroleum output is on the verge of achieving new record levels. In 2022, the world's leading oil producers included the United States, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Canada, and China, with OPEC retaining its influential status as a powerful cartel capable of shaping global market prices.

Organization of Oil Producing Countries (OPEC)
United States of America (USA)
Saudi Arabia