Top High-Interest Savings Accounts Offering Increased Returns

Top High-Interest Savings Accounts Offering Increased Returns


Several months ago, the highest national interest rate for a high-yield savings account surged to an unprecedented peak. However, today ushers in yet another momentous achievement, providing the opportunity to garner a remarkable 5.50% APY on your bank-held funds. This projected yield stands as the most substantial rate obtainable in over two decades.

Top High-Yield Savings Account Rates as of Oct. 11, 2023
 RateMinimum Initial DepositMinimum Ongoing Balance
Popular Direct5.20% APY$100Any amount
BrioDirect5.35% APY$5,000$25
Milli5.50% APY$0Any amount
Poppy Bank5.50% APY$0$1000

Should none of the aforementioned choices align with your requirements, there are over a dozen extra alternatives, each offering a minimum of 5.15% APY. These featured establishments accept customers nationwide and are federally insured, with either the FDIC for banks or the NCUA for credit unions, ensuring the safeguarding of up to $250,000 of your deposits in the improbable event of institution failure.

High-Yield Savings Accounts Have Become Even Smarter Today

In today's financial climate, allocating a portion of your cash savings into a high-yield account is a prudent decision. Banks and credit unions are presently offering the highest deposit rates observed since potentially 2001. Whether you're working towards a significant financial objective or diligently prioritizing saving, placing your funds in a top-tier savings account serves multiple purposes. Not only does it curb the urge to spend impulsively, but it can also yield interest rates that are 12 times higher than the national average of 0.45% APY.

Leaving your savings in a checking account rarely proves advantageous, as these accounts seldom provide substantial interest, if any at all. Even maintaining a savings account at your primary bank may result in suboptimal returns, as many major banks offer meager interest rates, bordering on zero. A judicious approach involves exploring alternative options, as the disparity can translate into the difference between nominal monthly earnings and the potential accumulation of substantial interest, potentially amounting to tens or hundreds of dollars, by selecting a high-yield account.

If the thought of managing savings across multiple banks appears cumbersome, there's no need for concern. Online banking has simplified interbank transfers, rendering them effortlessly manageable. Although the transfer process typically requires one to three days, strategic planning allows you to transfer only a portion of your savings to the new account, keeping a balance in your primary checking account for immediate access to cover most financial requirements.

It's worth noting that many of the institutions offering the most attractive high-yield savings account rates are online-based banks. Frequently, these online entities are divisions of well-established brick-and-mortar banks, sometimes operating under a different name. Regardless of their physical presence, federal protections remain consistent. Any bank affiliated with the FDIC offers identical insurance coverage, whether online or traditional.

For those seeking optimal returns on their bank savings, money market accounts present a viable alternative. Like high-yield savings accounts, top-tier money market accounts provide competitive rates and convenient access to your funds. Additionally, money market accounts offer the flexibility of issuing paper checks.

What Is the Future Direction of Savings Account Interest Rates?

Interest rates on savings accounts, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit are intricately linked to the federal funds rate, a key parameter determined by the Federal Reserve. In a concerted effort to combat inflation, the Federal Reserve has taken an assertive approach, substantially increasing its benchmark rate over the past 18 months. During the period spanning from March 2022 to July 2023, the Federal Reserve has enacted 11 rate hikes, resulting in a cumulative rise of 5.25%.

Consequently, the federal funds rate has reached its zenith, a level unseen since 2001. This escalation has a ripple effect, leading to the estimation that today's highest savings account rates have soared to their peak in 22 years. The highest nationally available savings account rate stood at 0.70% APY before the commencement of the Federal Reserve's rate-hike campaign. Subsequently, it has exhibited a nearly uninterrupted ascent, culminating in the current rate of 5.40% APY.

The Federal Reserve is slated to announce its next rate decision on November 1, following its recent decision on September 20, where it chose to maintain rates unchanged, a move widely anticipated by financial markets. Despite this, the Federal Reserve has underscored the possibility of another rate hike if the committee remains dissatisfied with inflation levels or lacks confidence in its sustained moderation. Present indications suggest that some Federal Reserve members are inclined towards concluding their rate hikes, a sentiment mirrored by over 90% of traders who are currently anticipating a rate freeze on November 1.

Predicting Federal Reserve rate adjustments is an inherently uncertain endeavor, subject to shifts in the economic landscape that can redirect the central bank's trajectory. However, should the Federal Reserve abstain from further rate hikes, it signifies that savings account rates have likely attained their zenith. While the prospect of additional upward movement exists, especially if the Federal Reserve proceeds with a rate increase in December or January, such increases are projected to be incremental, with rates expected to stabilize at their elevated levels throughout 2024. It is important to note that savings and money market accounts feature variable rates, permitting banks to adjust rates without prior notice. In the foreseeable future, potentially in 2024, the Federal Reserve may embark on a rate reduction, prompting banks to commence a corresponding decrease in their savings and money market rates.

Prolong a High Interest Rate on Part of Your Savings by Investing in a CD

For those with a long-term savings horizon spanning months or even years, the opportunity to maximize returns can be realized through the country's premier certificates of deposit. Certificates of deposit necessitate the commitment of your funds for a predetermined period, spanning three months to five years. The significant benefit is the ability to secure the prevailing interest rate for the entire duration, making it particularly appealing when interest rates are as robust as they currently are.

Presently, the highest attainable CD rate stands at 6.00% APY, accessible for certificate terms ranging from 12 to 17 months. However, it may be prudent to opt for a marginally lower rate to secure a more protracted investment horizon. It is imperative to bear in mind that premature withdrawal of your CD before its maturity date incurs an early withdrawal penalty. Hence, meticulous consideration is advised when determining the amount to allocate and the duration of the commitment.

Top Savings and CD Rates vs. National Average Rates

 Account TypeToday's Top Nationally Available RateNational Average Across All FDIC Banks
Savings account5.50% APY0.46% APY
Money market account5.35% APY0.64% APY
3-month CD5.66% APY1.37% APY
6-month CD5.75% APY1.36% APY 
1-year CD5.64% APY 1.76% APY 
18-month CD5.65% APYNot tracked
2-year CD5.39% APY 1.51% APY 
3-year CD5.23% APY 1.38% APY 
4-year CD4.82% APY 1.31% APY 
5-year CD4.89% APY 1.38% APY 


The financial landscape is currently marked by a remarkable surge in high-interest savings account rates, providing individuals with opportunities to maximize returns on their savings. Certificates of deposit (CDs) offer a viable option for those with a longer-term savings horizon, allowing them to lock in attractive interest rates. The Federal Reserve's aggressive approach to combating inflation through multiple rate hikes has driven savings account rates to their highest levels in years, with the prospect of further adjustments on the horizon. As we navigate this complex financial environment, carefully considering the available options and a strategic approach to savings and investments are crucial. 

High-Yield Savings Accounts