Understanding the Role of a Saitori in Japanese Stock Exchanges

Understanding the Role of a Saitori in Japanese Stock Exchanges

2 Min.

A saitori is a professional involved in Japanese stock exchanges, responsible for executing orders and enhancing liquidity similar to specialists in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). They aid in trading securities, matching orders, and supporting market stability.


A saitori is a key participant in Japanese stock exchanges, akin to specialists on the NYSE. Their primary responsibility is to facilitate the trading of securities by matching buy and sell orders, thus increasing market liquidity and reducing volatility.

Saitoris primarily operates on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), the largest securities exchange in Japan. On the Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE), the term "nakadachi" is used instead of saitori.

Responsibilities of a Saitori

Saitoris act as intermediaries, aiding members of the Japanese stock exchange. Their key functions include:

  1. Order Execution: Saitoris are central agents in transactions, ensuring prompt and accurate order placement to obtain the best available prices for clients.
  2. Market-Making: Similar to market makers, saitoris enhance liquidity by buying and selling shares from their inventory to meet fluctuating supply and demand.
  3. Volatility Control: In times of market upheaval, saitoris intervene to stabilize the market. If supply surpasses demand, they buy shares to add liquidity and temper share value declines. Conversely, during high demand, they sell shares from their inventory to meet it.

Saitori vs. NYSE Specialist

While saitoris and NYSE specialists share the role of matching buyers and sellers to ensure smooth transactions, some distinctions exist:

  1. Trading Constraints: Unlike NYSE specialists, saitoris face fewer limitations on trading parties. NYSE specialists cannot execute proprietary trades or trade for the public, while saitoris typically don't have these restrictions.
  2. Market Direction: Saitoris also direct daily market action, determining opening price quotations for securities. They set opening prices based on information from other market participants.

Saitori's Future

Saitoris hold significant influence over market dynamics. Their actions determine market stability, opening prices, and liquidity levels. The decline of NYSE specialists due to automated trading platforms prompts speculation about a similar shift in Japan's market. The future impact on the saitori role remains uncertain.


Saitoris play a pivotal role in Japanese stock exchanges, akin to NYSE specialists. Their responsibilities encompass executing orders, enhancing liquidity, and maintaining market stability. Despite similarities, saitoris face fewer trading constraints and significantly influence market direction. The evolving landscape of automated trading poses questions about the future trajectory of saitori roles in Japan's markets.


New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE)