Using Blockchain for Charity

Using Blockchain for Charity

The limitations that charitable organizations face are numerous and often lead to obstacles in achieving their goals. Issues such as a lack of transparency, accountability, and restricted donation methods contribute to these challenges. However, crypto-philanthropy presents a promising solution to these issues through the utilization of blockchain technology. By implementing a decentralized system, these organizations can receive direct contributions that improve efficiency and streamline the fundraising process.


Blockchain technology has revolutionized various industries with its unparalleled transparency and data security benefits. Although it existed before Bitcoin's creation, it wasn't until recently that its potential was recognized on a larger scale.

Blockchain serves as a fundamental component of almost all cryptocurrency networks. Originally developed by Satoshi Nakamoto as a digital ledger for Bitcoin, the technology has since been applied to various other scenarios and has proven useful for various types of digital communication and data sharing.

The Bitcoin blockchain operates on a distributed ledger technology that is secured by cryptography and maintained by a vast network of computers known as nodes. This system enables trustless, peer-to-peer (P2P) borderless transactions. Trustless means that users don't need to trust each other because all nodes are required to follow a predefined set of rules outlined by the Bitcoin protocol.

The Bitcoin ledger for these transactions doesn't reside on a single data center or server. Instead, the blockchain is distributed and replicated across numerous computer nodes scattered worldwide. Every time a transaction is confirmed or data is modified, each participant must update their version of the blockchain in line with those events, reaching a consensus on every change.

Several philanthropy organizations and charity foundations are taking advantage of the benefits provided by blockchain technology, particularly its use as a distributed ledger.

Crypto Donations

The global adoption of cryptocurrencies, especially in charity, has a long way to go. However, a small but growing number of charitable organizations have embraced cryptocurrency as a method of donation.

Currently, donors who wish to make contributions through cryptocurrency may be limited to a few organizations that support them or have to donate significant amounts to convince their preferred charities to accept crypto payments.

For a charity to start accepting cryptocurrency donations, it must have a transparent and efficient process in place for managing and distributing the funds. Having a basic understanding of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, as well as the ability to convert donations into fiat currency, is essential for an effective implementation strategy.

Potential Benefits

The advantages of crypto-philanthropy for charitable organizations and donors are numerous. One major benefit is the total transparency of cryptocurrency transactions, which can be easily tracked through the blockchain. This high level of transparency and public accountability can put donors at ease and reinforce a charity's reputation for integrity.

Another advantage is the global and decentralized nature of most blockchain networks, allowing funds to move directly from donors to charities without relying on a centralized government or other institutions. This makes blockchain uniquely suitable for international transactions.

Blockchain also simplifies the sharing and storing of digital data and can ensure that important documents or contracts cannot be modified without the approval of all involved members. This ability to create digital agreements can streamline the management of charities and reduce overall costs by requiring fewer intermediaries.

Finally, using cryptocurrency for donations can result in reduced taxes for US-based donors. For example, if a contribution is made with Bitcoin, the charity will receive the full donated value without capital gain taxes. Additionally, donors can claim a higher tax deduction towards governmental agencies.

Existing Concerns

Several potential concerns need to be considered, despite the potential benefits:

Firstly, there is the issue of volatility. Except for stablecoins, most cryptocurrencies are traded on highly volatile markets, meaning they can suffer large swings in value, and charities need to be prepared for this.

Security is another concern as if the private keys that give access to donated funds are lost, there is no way to recover them. Furthermore, if the keys are not properly managed and secured, malicious entities may gain access to the wallets and steal the funds.

Finally, public awareness and understanding can be an obstacle for potential donors. Blockchain is not easy to explain, and many people do not understand cryptocurrencies well enough to trust the system or make use of it for charitable donations. It is important to educate the public and build trust in the system before crypto-philanthropy can become more widely adopted.

Real Cases

In recent years, crypto-philanthropy has gained popularity among prominent charitable organizations. In 2017, Fidelity Charitable, a global philanthropic organization, received cryptocurrency donations worth $69 million. Pine, an anonymous donor, distributed around $55 million in Bitcoin donations to various organizations worldwide through the Pineapple Fund during the same year. Another notable example of crypto-philanthropy is the Blockchain Charity Foundation (BCF). It is a not-for-profit organization that aims to revolutionize philanthropy through a decentralized charity platform.


The utilization of crypto-philanthropy is still a recent addition to the world of charitable donations, but as blockchain technology becomes more widespread, charities and donors may begin to see it as a viable option for supporting the less fortunate. As people become more comfortable with the concept, likely, charitable organizations will also increase their involvement with crypto-philanthropy.
