What Are Lockdrops?

What Are Lockdrops?


In the cryptocurrency world, both lockdrops and airdrops are utilized for token distribution. Lockdrops involve users locking their existing tokens for a specified period to potentially receive new tokens, whereas airdrops distribute tokens without any cost or commitment required from the users. While both methods aim to establish a solid user base, lockdrops often draw more dedicated and engaged participants.

What Are Lockdrops?

Lockdrops represent an innovative approach to token distribution within the cryptocurrency sector, designed to diversify token ownership without involving any fundraising activities. Participants in a lockdrop secure their existing cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum, within a smart contract for a predetermined duration. The allocation of new tokens from the emerging network is influenced by the length of this lock-in period. Upon the end of the lock period, the initial tokens are restored to their owners.

This distribution mechanism was pioneered by Commonwealth Labs, a startup centered on governance. The inaugural lockdrop was conducted on the Edgeware network, which is a self-upgrading smart contract platform integrated with Polkadot.

Exploring Airdrops

Airdrops serve as a strategy for free token distribution to various random addresses. The underlying motivation is that increased token ownership will drive greater interest and engagement with the project.

Lockdrops vs. Airdrops

Lockdrops and airdrops both aim to distribute tokens and cultivate a robust user base, yet they employ different methods and achieve distinct results. Airdrops involve the free distribution of tokens to random addresses without requiring any difficult action from recipients. Usually, in order to receive an airdrop, users need to follow the social media of the project and complete some easy tasks. Conversely, lockdrops necessitate users to lock their existing tokens for a specified duration, reflecting a higher level of user commitment. This commitment often translates to more active and engaged token holders from the start.

On the other hand, airdrops typically result in lower retention rates and minimal user engagement, as no initial commitment is required. Therefore, lockdrops are often viewed as a more effective strategy for encouraging and rewarding token holders.

Advantages of Lockdrops

Lockdrops present numerous advantages by promoting equitable token distribution among users willing to lock their existing assets for a specified time. This approach ensures that early adopters and long-term supporters gain access to the tokens.

The requirement for users to lock their tokens fosters long-term involvement in the project, which can contribute to price stability and overall project resilience. Additionally, lockdrops tend to attract committed participants who are actively engaged with the project's development, thereby strengthening the community.

Prospects for Lockdrops

With the ongoing evolution of the cryptocurrency industry, innovative token distribution methods like lockdrops are likely to become increasingly popular. Lockdrops provide an effective strategy for cultivating a dedicated user base, essential for thriving in the highly competitive crypto market. However, despite their potential, lockdrops come with their own set of challenges and risks. Therefore, users are advised to thoroughly research and evaluate these factors before engaging in lockdrops.


Lockdrops and airdrops are distinct methods of token distribution in the cryptocurrency space. Lockdrops require users to lock their tokens for a period to potentially receive new tokens, fostering a committed user base. Airdrops, in contrast, distribute tokens freely, often resulting in lower retention rates. While both aim to build communities, lockdrops excel in attracting dedicated supporters and enhancing project stability through sustained involvement. As the crypto industry evolves, lockdrops are expected to gain popularity despite associated risks, underscoring the importance of informed participation.

