What Is a Default?

What Is a Default?

7 Min.

A default happens when a borrower fails to make the necessary payments on a debt. It can occur on secured debt, such as a mortgage loan secured by a house, or on unsecured debt, such as credit cards or student loan. Defaults can lead to legal claims against the borrower and can also limit their future access to credit opportunities.


In financial terms, default refers to the failure to fulfill obligatory interest or principal repayments on a debt, irrespective of whether it is a loan or a security. Entities at various levels, including individuals, corporations, and nations, may encounter default scenarios concerning their debt obligations. Evaluating default risk is a critical factor for creditors in assessing potential financial challenges.

Exploring Default Scenarios

Default situations may arise in the context of secured debts, like a mortgage loan linked to a property or a business loan secured by a company's assets. Failure by the borrower to make timely payments puts the secured asset or collateral at risk, potentially leading to default. In the case of bonds, a company facing difficulty in meeting stipulated coupon payments would also be considered in default.

Unsecured debts, such as outstanding credit card balances, are also susceptible to defaults. Beyond financial implications, defaults diminish the borrower's credit score, potentially restricting their future borrowing capacity.

Legal Implications of Default: Secured vs. Unsecured Debts

Legal actions may be pursued by lenders or investors seeking to recover funds in the event of an individual, business, or country default. The potential for recovery hinges on the distinction between secured and unsecured debt.

Secured Debt

In cases of default on secured debt, the lender holds legal rights to specific assets obtained through the loan. For instance, in the event of a mortgage default, the bank may resort to foreclosure on the secured property. Similarly, defaulting on an auto loan could lead to repossession of the vehicle. Corporations defaulting on secured debt may resort to filing for bankruptcy as a protective measure, allowing room for negotiation with creditors.

Unsecured Debt

Unsecured debt defaults, encompassing scenarios like medical bills and credit card balances, do not have assets as collateral. Despite this, lenders maintain legal claims in case of default. Credit card companies typically allow a few months grace period before declaring an account in default. After six months of non-payment, the debt is "charged off" and considered a loss by the lender. The charged-off debt may be sold to a collection agency, which can pursue legal actions such as placing liens or obtaining judgments against the borrower's assets. A judgment lien grants creditors the authority to seize a debtor's property if contractual obligations remain unmet.

Managing Student Loan Default: Strategies and Relief Measures

Student loans represent a form of unsecured debt akin to credit cards. Defaulting on a student loan mirrors the repercussions of neglecting credit card payments, adversely affecting credit scores, credit ratings, and future loan opportunities. Defaulting on federal student loans may lead to wage garnishment.

Delinquency and Default Process

When a payment is 90 days overdue, the loan becomes officially delinquent, causing a drop in credit rating reported to major credit bureaus. A bad credit rating can hinder new credit approvals or result in higher interest rates. Potential employers and landlords may scrutinize credit scores, impacting job eligibility.

The loan progresses into default if payment is 270 days late, with approximately one-third of federal student loan borrowers experiencing default at some point. Those failing to engage in a rehabilitation agreement with the Default Resolution Group may face consequences, including tax refund withholdings, federal payment garnishments (up to 15% of take-home pay), and other penalties.

Rehabilitation and Consolidation

Options for borrowers in default include entering the federal student loan rehabilitation program or pursuing loan consolidation through Federal Student Aid. Early communication with lenders can lead to feasible repayment plans or assistance in obtaining deferment or forbearance.

Relief Measures

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Education suspended student loan payments and interest accrual. Although payments resumed in October 2023, the DOE introduced the "Fresh Start" initiative in April 2022 to aid defaulting borrowers. This temporary program, slated until September 2024 (unless extended), halted collections, allowed federal student aid applications, and reported the loan as "current" rather than "in collections" on credit reports.

National Debt Challenges: Sovereign Default Dynamics

Sovereign default materializes when a nation fails to meet its financial obligations and is exempt from legal enforcement through conventional courts. Unlike individual or corporate debtors, defaulting countries confront many risks and complications. Economic recessions or currency devaluation often follow, with the defaulting nation potentially facing exclusion from debt markets for an extended period.

Several triggers, such as political instability, economic mismanagement, or banking crises, can precipitate sovereign default. In 2015, Greece defaulted on a $1.73 billion payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) before securing additional debt relief from the European Union.

In a noteworthy development, Fitch, a prominent credit ratings provider, downgraded the US credit rating from AAA to AA+ on August 1, 2023. The downgrade was attributed to anticipated "fiscal deterioration" over the subsequent three years, with the federal government's recurrent last-minute negotiations on the national debt ceiling cited as a contributing factor. The US Budget Committee emphasized that this event marks only the second time in the nation's history that a credit rating provider has taken such action.

Failure to Honor Futures Contracts

Failure to adhere to the stipulated terms of a futures contract constitutes default. Typically, default manifests as the inability to settle the contract by the agreed-upon date. A futures contract represents a binding agreement for a forthcoming transaction related to a specific commodity or asset. The involved parties commit to buy or sell at designated dates and prices. Defaulting on such contracts may result in legal actions, including collections and lawsuits, against the non-compliant party.

The Consequences of Defaulting on a Loan

Defaulting on a loan triggers various repercussions, including:

  1. Adverse marks on the borrower's credit report and a lowered credit score, which is a numerical measure of creditworthiness.
  2. Diminished prospects for securing credit in subsequent endeavors.
  3. Elevated interest rates on new debt.
  4. Wage garnishment is a lawful process directing a third party to deduct payments directly from the borrower's wages or bank account, accompanied by additional penalties.
  5. According to Experian, a default remains on credit reports and influences credit scores for seven years.

Puerto Rico's Financial Crisis: A Real World Example

In 2015, Puerto Rico defaulted, making a partial payment of $628,000 towards a $58 million bond obligation. After the economic challenges induced by Hurricane Maria in 2017, the island's debt crisis intensified.

To address its financial troubles, Puerto Rico announced a plan in 2019 to reduce its debt from $129 billion to about $86 billion, making it the largest bankruptcy in US history. This bankruptcy, sanctioned by a 2016 Congressional law, fell under the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA), which also instituted a financial board overseeing public finances. In early 2022, a US judge endorsed a restructuring plan as part of the bankruptcy process, slashing Puerto Rico's public debt from $70 billion to $37 billion.


Default, characterized by the inability to fulfill essential interest or principal repayments on the debt, transcends individual, business, and national realms. The failure to meet obligations, whether in the context of a mortgage, student loan, or personal loan, bears consequences such as credit rating deterioration, compromised loan eligibility, and the potential for asset or wage confiscation. For corporations, default manifests through the inability to meet bond coupon payments. At a national level, sovereign default arises when a country neglects its debt repayment obligations.
