What Is a Digital Signature?

What Is a Digital Signature?

6 Min.


The concept of ensuring the authenticity and integrity of digital data is made possible by a cryptographic mechanism known as a digital signature. Unlike ordinary handwritten signatures, digital signatures are more complex and provide higher levels of security.

A digital signature can be defined as a code attached to a message or document, proving that the message has not been altered during transmission between sender and receiver.

While cryptography has been used to secure communications since ancient times, it was only in the development of Public-Key Cryptography in the 1970s that digital signature schemes became feasible. Thus, to understand how digital signatures work, it is necessary first to comprehend the fundamentals of hash functions and public-key cryptography.

Hash Functions

Digital signature systems rely heavily on hash functions, vital in transforming data of any size into a fixed-size output. Hash functions are unique algorithms that produce a hash value or message digest and are thus integral to generating unique digital fingerprints. By utilizing cryptographic hash functions in combination with cryptography, the resulting hash value or digest becomes a reliable means for verifying the authenticity of digital data. Any input data or message change would cause a completely different output or hash value. Therefore, cryptographic hash functions have become widely used to verify digital data authenticity.

Public-Key Cryptography (PKC) 

Public-key cryptography is a cryptographic technique that utilizes two mathematically linked keys: public and private. These keys can be used for both data encryption and digital signatures, which makes PKC a more secure encryption tool than traditional symmetric encryption methods.

PKC's unique feature is that data encryption uses the public key, while its corresponding private key is used for data decryption. This approach overcomes the limitations of older systems that rely on the same key for encryption and decryption.

Apart from its encryption capabilities, PKC can also generate digital signatures. This process involves using the signer's private key to hash a message or digital data. The recipient of the message can then verify the signature's validity using the public key provided by the signer.

Although some digital signatures may involve encryption, the PKC scheme doesn't always require it. For example, the Bitcoin blockchain uses PKC and digital signatures but doesn't involve encryption. Instead, Bitcoin utilizes the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) to authenticate transactions.

How Do Digital Signatures Work? 

In cryptocurrencies, digital signature systems often follow three essential steps: hashing, signing, and verifying.

Hashing is the first step and involves submitting a message or digital data through a hashing algorithm to generate a fixed-length hash value. Although hashing isn't required to create a digital signature, it's typically used in cryptocurrencies because it simplifies the process.

After hashing, the message's sender signs it using their private key. The digital signature algorithm can vary, but the receiver will verify the resulting signature using the corresponding public key provided by the signer.

Unlike handwritten signatures, which are often the same regardless of the message, digital signatures are unique to each message. When Bob receives the message, he can verify the digital signature using the public key provided by Alice. This ensures that only Alice, who has the corresponding private key, could have generated the signature.

To prevent unauthorized access, Alice must keep her private key confidential. If someone else gains access to it, they can create digital signatures pretending to be Alice. In the context of Bitcoin, this could enable unauthorized transactions and transfers of Bitcoins.

Why Are Digital Signatures Necessary? 

Digital signatures serve three primary purposes: data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation.

Regarding data integrity, digital signatures ensure that messages remain unchanged during transmission. If someone modifies the message, the signature will change, alerting the recipient that the message has been tampered with.

Authentication is another crucial aspect of digital signatures. By keeping the private key secure, Alice can use her public key to demonstrate that she is the creator of the signature. In this way, Bob can verify that Alice sent the message and not someone else pretending to be her.

Finally, digital signatures provide non-repudiation, meaning that Alice cannot deny having sent the message after creating and sending the signature. Unless Alice's private key is compromised, no one else could have created that specific signature.

Use Cases 

The use of digital signatures spans various fields such as Information Technology, Finance, Legal, Healthcare, and Blockchain, among others.

In Information Technology, digital signatures can be used to increase the security of Internet communication systems. This enhances the integrity and confidentiality of digital documents.

In the Finance sector, digital signatures can be implemented for audits, expense reports, loan agreements, and other financial transactions. The use of digital signatures can streamline processes and reduce errors.

Legal documents such as business contracts and government papers can be signed digitally, ensuring authenticity and preventing fraud.

In Healthcare, digital signatures can be used to verify the validity of prescriptions and medical records, reducing the risk of fraudulent activity.

In the context of Blockchain technology, digital signature schemes ensure that only the rightful owners of cryptocurrencies can sign a transaction to move funds. This ensures the security and integrity of the Blockchain network as long as the private keys are kept secure.


Ensuring the security of digital signature schemes requires meeting at least three requirements: proper algorithm selection, effective implementation, and safeguarding of private keys. The algorithm's quality is crucial to achieving a reliable digital signature scheme, which necessitates the selection of trustworthy hash functions and cryptographic systems. However, even with good algorithms, improper implementation can still lead to flaws in the digital signature system. Finally, if private keys are leaked or compromised, authenticity and non-repudiation are jeopardized, and for cryptocurrency users, losing a private key may result in substantial financial losses.

Electronic Signatures vs. Digital Signatures 

The authentication method is the main difference between electronic and digital signatures. While electronic signatures encompass all electronic methods of signing documents and messages, digital signatures specifically use cryptographic systems such as hash functions, public-key cryptography, and encryption techniques. Therefore, all digital signatures are considered electronic signatures, but not all electronic signatures are digital signatures.


The application of digital signature systems spans a broad range of use cases, relying on core components such as hash functions and public-key cryptography. These systems, when properly implemented, offer increased security, ensure data integrity, and facilitate authentication for all manner of digital data.

In the context of blockchain technology, digital signatures are essential for authorizing and signing cryptocurrency transactions, particularly in the case of Bitcoin. These signatures guarantee that only the owners of corresponding private keys can spend the associated coins.

Despite years of utilizing electronic and digital signatures, there is still much potential for growth. Presently, a significant portion of bureaucratic processes continues to rely on paper-based methods. However, with the ongoing shift towards digitalization, we are likely to see greater adoption of digital signature schemes in the future.


Digital Signature