What Is Boilerplate Language?

What Is Boilerplate Language?

Boilerplate language refers to the standardized text found in various standard documents like contracts. These passages are often included in templates and can be easily customized. The term "boilerplate" is also used in the computer industry to describe reusable code snippets in different programs. The origin of the term dates back to the 19th century when steel plates were used as templates for manufacturing steam boilers. While boilerplates save time and money, they can sometimes favor only one party in contract agreements.


Boilerplate is a term used to describe standardized text, copy, or procedures that can be reused without significant alterations. It is commonly employed to enhance efficiency and standardization in written or digital documents, such as contracts, investment prospectuses, and bond indentures. Within the realm of contract law, these documents often feature boilerplate language, which refers to generic or standard language used in contracts.

How Do Boilerplates Work?

Boilerplate refers to reusable text, documentation, or procedures that can be utilized across different contexts without significant alterations. It is commonly employed in various industries and sectors to increase efficiency and standardization in written materials or processes. Boilerplate allows for customization by making slight changes or adjustments to suit specific needs while maintaining the underlying structure. Whether in legal documents, corporate communications, or information technology, boilerplate serves as a practical tool for streamlining and adapting content.

Brief History

During the 19th century, the term "boilerplate" referred to steel plates utilized as templates for constructing steam boilers. Over time, this term took on a metaphorical meaning in the publishing industry. Editors associated it with the unoriginal and trite work often submitted by ad writers and others for publication. These standardized metal plates served as a reminder of the lack of creativity and originality in such content.

In the legal realm, the term "boilerplate" gained prominence in the mid-1950s. It was criticized in an article published in the Bedford Gazette, highlighting how boilerplates often included fine print designed to circumvent legal regulations. Today, businesses incorporate boilerplate clauses in contracts and formal documents to protect themselves from errors and legal pitfalls.

These clauses feature standardized wording that customers generally do not negotiate, leading to situations where individuals sign boilerplate documents without fully understanding their implications. In legal circles, such boilerplate agreements, presented by parties with superior bargaining power to weaker counterparts, are often referred to as adhesion contracts. Courts have the authority to invalidate provisions within these contracts if they are deemed coercive or unfair.

It's important to note that the term "boilerplating" can also be used pejoratively to describe a lack of originality or genuine effort in any endeavor.

In the Modern World

The term "boilerplate" has gained widespread usage in various domains today. It typically refers to standardized methods, forms, or procedures. In the realm of computer programming, developers often rely on boilerplate code to create new programs, as modern software can consist of billions of lines of code, making it impractical to start from scratch.

Within marketing and public relations, boilerplate pertains to predefined blocks of language found in marketing materials or press releases that undergo minimal changes. These sections are typically crafted to communicate a company's mission or present it in a positive light. Boilerplate content is commonly included in various publications, press releases, or web pages.

Pros and Cons of Boilerplate

Boilerplates offer various advantages and disadvantages across different contexts. They serve as time and cost-saving tools by allowing the reuse of existing templates, documents, or code with minimal modifications. This enhances efficiency and standardization, saving resources that would otherwise be spent on creating new materials from scratch. Boilerplates also help prevent errors by providing pre-vetted content, ensuring accuracy, and reducing future complications.

However, the indiscriminate use of boilerplates can lead to drawbacks. In some cases, they may not be tailored to specific situations, resulting in a lack of customization or individualization. Individuals often overlook or skim through boilerplate sections, such as fine print, potentially missing important information or obligations. Additionally, certain boilerplates may contain language that favors one party over the other, potentially leading to imbalanced contractual terms. It is essential to carefully consider the pros and cons of boilerplates in each specific context to make informed decisions about their implementation.


  • Time and cost savings: Boilerplates streamline processes, eliminating the need to create documents or code from scratch, which saves valuable time and resources.
  • Reduced errors and increased consistency: By utilizing standardized templates, boilerplates minimize the potential for mistakes and ensure greater uniformity in content.


  • Lack of individual tailoring: Boilerplates are not customized to suit the specific needs or circumstances of every individual or situation, limiting their flexibility.
  • Bias towards one party in contracts: Often, boilerplates favor a particular party, potentially putting the other party at a disadvantage in contractual agreements.

Boilerplate Language Examples

Boilerplates are standardized templates used in various contexts to save time and ensure consistency. They allow for the reuse of existing content, reducing the need to create new documents from scratch. Examples include standard contracts used by banks for home loans, where specific details can be filled in by applicants. Boilerplates also encompass the fine print section found in contracts, outlining terms and conditions, which may undergo minor modifications as needed. The primary purpose of boilerplates is to streamline processes and provide a foundation for customized content while maintaining uniformity.

Boilerplate Language in Various Industries

A boilerplate statement is a standard and adaptable statement commonly used by companies for various purposes, such as responding to media inquiries or complaints. It can be found in press releases, corporate websites, or written communications. Similarly, in the field of information technology, a boilerplate project refers to a pre-established project that can be easily customized for new projects. It allows users to make changes without altering the original code, often used for updating webpages.

The term "boilerplate language" originated from the practice of using steel plates as templates to build steam boilers. In the legal profession, it refers to the use of fine print by companies to navigate legal requirements. This language is commonly seen in contracts and serves to outline the conditions that parties must adhere to, including consequences for breaches and procedures for resolving disputes.

Boilerplate sections are also frequently used in press releases. Typically placed at the bottom, these sections provide a brief description of the company issuing the release. Overall, boilerplates streamline processes, provide consistency, and save time and resources for businesses across various industries.


Boilerplates are widely used in corporate and IT sectors to save time and money. They are reusable text or standard messages found in contracts and press releases. It's important not to overlook them as they often contain important information about rights and obligations. Take the time to review boilerplates to fully understand their implications.

Boilerplate Language