What Is Fiscal Policy?

What Is Fiscal Policy?

5 Min.

Fiscal policy is the way governments use taxation and government spending to impact economic conditions, such as unemployment, inflation, and economic growth. It's a tool that enables authorities to steer the economy in a desired direction by affecting the disposable income of individuals and businesses, which in turn influences financial markets indirectly. Through fiscal policy, governments finance various public services, such as education and healthcare. It also ensures economic stability and helps to lessen the negative impacts of both economic booms and downturns.


The prosperity of a nation largely hinges on its economic stability and growth, which governments strive to achieve through various strategic measures. Fiscal policy, in particular, plays a pivotal role in this process, aiming to ensure economic stability, stimulate growth, and facilitate the redistribution of wealth. This article delves into the mechanics of fiscal policy, its potential impact on cryptocurrency markets, and examines the associated benefits and challenges.

The Essence of Fiscal Policy

Fiscal policy encompasses the government's strategic use of taxation and spending to steer economic conditions. Through modifying tax rates and adjusting public expenditures, governments can manage inflation, stimulate job creation, and foster economic growth.

How Fiscal Policy Works

Fiscal policy operates through three primary approaches: neutral, expansionary, and contractionary.

Neutral Fiscal Policy

A neutral fiscal policy aims to balance the government budget by ensuring that expenditures equal revenues. This approach maintains economic stability by avoiding additional interventions.

Example: In 2019, Germany adopted a neutral fiscal policy by maintaining a balanced budget, aiming to ensure economic stability without incurring new debt.

Expansionary Fiscal Policy

Expansionary fiscal policy stimulates economic growth by increasing government spending and reducing taxes. This approach is typically employed during recessions or high unemployment periods to boost consumer and business spending, leading to job creation and heightened economic activity.

Example: In response to the 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. government enacted an expansionary fiscal policy, introducing tax rebates to alleviate the tax burden on households. This increased disposable income stimulates consumer spending, boosts demand for goods and services, and encourages businesses to hire more workers, thus aiding economic recovery.

Contractionary Fiscal Policy

The contractionary fiscal policy aims to slow economic growth and reduce inflation by cutting government spending and increasing taxes. This approach aims to decrease overall demand, thereby helping to stabilize prices.

Example: In the early 1980s, the U.S. government employed a contractionary fiscal policy to tackle inflation by raising taxes and cutting government spending. This approach reduced overall demand, helping to stabilize prices, though it also led to a temporary increase in unemployment as businesses faced higher taxes and decreased consumer spending.

The Influence of Fiscal Policy on Crypto Markets

Fiscal policy extends its reach beyond traditional financial markets, significantly impacting the crypto market as well. Despite operating independently from conventional markets, the value of crypto assets can be influenced by changes in fiscal policy.

Effects of Expansionary Fiscal Policy

An expansionary fiscal policy increases the flow of money within the economy, leading to higher consumer spending and investment due to increased disposable income. In the world of cryptocurrencies, this means there's a higher chance of people buying crypto assets, thus increasing their prices. People who benefit from a tax cut, resulting in more disposable income, may choose to invest a portion of this additional money in cryptocurrency, potentially driving market prices higher.

Effects of Contractionary Fiscal Policy

Conversely, a contractionary fiscal policy extracts money from the economy, resulting in decreased consumer spending and investment. This reduction in disposable income results in fewer individuals being able to invest in cryptocurrencies, potentially leading to lower prices.

Impact of Government Stimulus Packages

Government stimulus packages, a subset of expansionary fiscal policy, can also affect the crypto market. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, many governments provided financial aid to citizens. Some recipients used this money to invest in cryptocurrencies, contributing to a surge in crypto prices.

Overall, fiscal policy, through its influence on disposable income and consumer behavior, plays a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of the cryptocurrency market.

Advantages of Fiscal Policy

Ensuring Economic Stability

Fiscal policy plays a crucial role in maintaining economic stability by controlling inflation and reducing unemployment. During economic downturns, expansionary fiscal policy stimulates growth and creates jobs, while contractionary fiscal policy helps curb inflation during periods of economic boom.

Enhancing Infrastructure

Government expenditure can lead to significant improvements in infrastructure, including transportation systems and telecommunications. For instance, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has led to substantial enhancements in its transportation infrastructure, thereby boosting trade and economic growth.

Provision of Public Services

Through progressive taxation, governments can fund essential public services. For example, Sweden implements higher tax rates on higher incomes to finance free healthcare and higher education, ensuring these services are accessible to all citizens regardless of their income level.


Fiscal policy, which involves the strategic use of taxation and government spending, plays a pivotal role in shaping economic conditions like inflation, unemployment, and growth. By affecting the disposable income of individuals and businesses, fiscal policy also indirectly impacts the cryptocurrency market. Among its key benefits are enhanced economic stability, improved infrastructure, and the provision of free public services.

Fiscal Policy
Crypto Market