What Is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?

What Is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) constitutes a crucial U.S. law designed to safeguard workers from unjust pay practices. Enacted in 1938, the FLSA has undergone multiple revisions over the years, solidifying its significance as a cornerstone in employment law, particularly concerning interstate commerce. This law meticulously outlines labor regulations, encompassing minimum wages, overtime pay mandates, and child labor restrictions. Employers must diligently comprehend its intricacies as it governs various aspects of employee relations, regardless of their salary structure.


The Fair Labor Standards Act is a pivotal safeguard against unjust employment practices, ensuring workers receive their fair due. Within the FLSA, specific regulations define when employees are considered working hours, eligibility for overtime pay, and a designated minimum wage. Under the FLSA, employees are classified as either exempt or nonexempt. Exempt employees are not entitled to certain FLSA protections, whereas nonexempt employees enjoy the full coverage of the Act.

This vital legislation applies exclusively to employers whose annual sales surpass $500,000 or those engaged in interstate commerce. It efficiently encapsulates a broad range of businesses, shielding workers' rights across the nation.

Initially, the FLSA focused on prohibiting child labor, but it has since evolved to encompass additional areas, including the prohibition of wage disparities based on gender and discrimination stemming from age. This expansion further reinforces its commitment to uphold fairness and equality in the workplace.

Decoding the Mechanisms of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

The Fair Labor Standards Act operates by defining compensable work hours and distinguishing between exempt and nonexempt employees for overtime purposes. The Act mandates that overtime must be paid at one-and-a-half times the regular hourly rate for any hours worked beyond 40 hours in a seven-day workweek.

The FLSA's scope extends to workers employed by enterprises involved in interstate commerce or the production of goods for commerce. Additionally, it encompasses domestic service workers, hospital employees, school staff for disabled or gifted children, educational institutions from preschools to universities, and public agencies.

Conversely, independent contractors and volunteers fall outside the purview of the FLSA, as they are not classified as employees and, therefore, do not receive its protective provisions.

Fair Labor Standards Act Application to Diverse Worker Categories

The Fair Labor Standards Act encompasses a wide array of workers, distinguishing between exempt and nonexempt employees in relation to overtime pay. Nonexempt employees are eligible for overtime compensation, whereas exempt employees are not. While most FLSA-covered employees fall under the nonexempt category, there are specific groups governed by alternative regulations. For instance, railroad workers operate under the Railway Labor Act, and truck drivers are subject to the Motor Carriers Act.

Interestingly, many full-time office workers, such as executive and administrative personnel, do not enjoy FLSA protection concerning overtime.

Farmworkers present a unique scenario where they may be jointly employed by both a labor contractor and a farmer. The labor contractor oversees recruitment, organization, transportation, and payment, while the farmer requires their services and remunerates the labor contractor accordingly. Unfortunately, in some cases, employers incorrectly label these workers as volunteers, despite meeting the definition of "employee" under the FLSA.

The FLSA also establishes guidelines for handling jobs primarily compensated through tipping. Employers must pay the minimum wage to employees who regularly receive less than $30 per month in gratuities. If the total pay, including tips, does not meet the minimum wage threshold, the employer must compensate for the difference. Moreover, the FLSA provides rules for tip pooling, and busboys are typically included in such arrangements due to their customer-visible role.

Comprehensive Overview of Fair Labor Standards Act Exemptions

The Fair Labor Standards Act boasts an extensive scope, yet not all workers and workplaces fall under its jurisdiction. The Act includes several exemptions for both employers and their employees.

FLSA coverage applies exclusively to employers with annual sales surpassing $500,000 or engaged in interstate commerce, which encompasses receiving communications or orders from another state via letters, phone calls, or the internet. Notably, certain employers, particularly small farms with minimal outside paid labor, are explicitly exempt from FLSA regulations.

Restricted to staff employees and not independent contractors or freelancers, FLSA exemptions encompass various worker categories. Major groups of exempt employees comprise:

Executive, Administrative, and Professional Workers

  • Receive salaries of at least $684 weekly (unless belonging to specific professions).
  • Executives manage at least two employees as a primary duty and possess the authority to hire, fire, and promote.
  • Administrators predominantly engage in non manual or office work directly for management, exercising discretion in their responsibilities.
  • Professionals primarily undertake intellectually demanding tasks that necessitate advanced knowledge, talent, or creativity.

Outside Salespeople

  • Routinely work away from the employer's place of business.
  • Earn compensation primarily through commissions.

Computer Workers

  • Encompass systems analysts, programmers, software engineers, designer/developers, and others.
  • Receive compensation either on a salary or fee basis, not less than $684 per week or $27.63 an hour.

Other exempt groups

  • Employees of seasonal amusement or recreational businesses;
  • Employees of local newspapers with a circulation of less than 4,000;
  • Seamen or women on foreign vessels;
  • Newspaper delivery workers;
  • Workers on small farms;
  • Personal companions, caregivers to seniors, and casual babysitters;
  • Apprentices.

These exemptions play a crucial role in defining FLSA coverage, ensuring the Act's application aligns with specific workforce and industry characteristics.

Unraveling Fair Labor Standards Act Infractions

Navigating the intricate landscape of the Fair Labor Standards Act proves challenging, leading to various violations due to the dynamic nature of work and the workforce. Below are some prevalent violations:

  • Misclassification of Employees: Misjudging employee classification as exempt or nonexempt based on job titles rather than job duties and salary levels.
  • Confusing Salaried and Hourly Employees: Erroneously assuming that fixed salaried employees are automatically exempt from overtime pay, while those on hourly wages are nonexempt. The truth is that even salaried workers may be nonexempt and entitled to overtime, contingent on their job duties and earnings.
  • Failure to Compensate for "Off the Clock" Work: Neglecting to pay employees for job-related tasks, training, or meetings conducted outside regular work hours, regardless of employer awareness or authorization.
  • Uncompensated Break Time and On-Call Work: Overlooking compensation for employees who engage in work-related activities during breaks or while being on call, and unable to utilize on-call time for personal purposes.
  • Invalid Overtime Pay Agreements: Any agreement to waive overtime pay, even if the employee signs it, is deemed invalid under the FLSA.
  • Averaging Work Weeks: Attempting to average out work hours between multiple weeks to avoid paying overtime, a practice strictly prohibited by the FLSA. Each workweek must be assessed independently for overtime eligibility.

Evolution of the Fair Labor Standards Act 

The Fair Labor Standards Act holds a rich historical journey, with President Franklin D. Roosevelt signing it into law on June 25, 1938. Despite initially applying only to a fraction of the labor force, the bill encountered obstacles in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Eventually, Roosevelt signed it along with 120 other bills on a Saturday, nine days after Congress had adjourned.

Primarily drafted by Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, the final version of the act placed a complete ban on child labor under 14 and hazardous labor for ages 14-18. Additionally, it established a minimum hourly wage of 25 cents and a maximum work week of 44 hours, which was later adjusted to 40 hours by October 23, 1940. Furthermore, the FLSA ensured the provision of "time-and-a-half'' pay for specific job roles.

Throughout its existence, the FLSA has undergone numerous amendments, often expanding its scope or adjusting the minimum wage to account for inflation. Significant changes include:

The Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947

Addressed employee activities to clarify what constitutes "hours worked" under the FLSA. Any activities that benefit the employer, regardless of when they occur, require compensation. The act also clarified that travel to and from the workplace should not be considered paid working time.

The FLSA 1961 Amendment

Broadened coverage to include jobs in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and government entities, allowing employees to sue for back wages if owed.

The Equal Pay Act of 1963

Prohibited gender-based differences in pay, promoting "equal pay for equal work" and contributing to financial equality for women in the workplace.

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

Protected employees over the age of 40 from disparate treatment, ending age-based discrimination regarding benefits, promotions, and training opportunities.


The Fair Labor Standards Act is a pivotal piece of legislation designed to protect workers from unjust pay practices and ensure fair treatment in the workplace. Enacted in 1938, the FLSA has witnessed numerous amendments over the years, further solidifying its significance in employment law, particularly concerning interstate commerce. With meticulous labor regulations encompassing minimum wages, overtime pay mandates, and child labor restrictions, this comprehensive act governs various aspects of employee relations, irrespective of salary structures. Understanding FLSA exemptions is critical for employers to navigate the intricacies of labor laws accurately. Throughout its evolution, the FLSA has addressed key issues such as equal pay for men and women through the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and safeguarding older employees from discrimination through the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, enhancing workers' rights and promoting equality. Despite the complexities, the FLSA remains a crucial safeguard, striving to create fair and just working conditions for employees across the United States, shaping the employment landscape for generations to come.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)