What Is Venus Protocol?

What Is Venus Protocol?

Enabling decentralized and secure cryptocurrency lending and borrowing, Venus Protocol emerges as a cutting-edge algorithmic money market system operating on the BNB Chain. By seamlessly integrating with popular crypto wallets such as MetaMask, this permissionless protocol ensures accessibility for all users. The remarkable aspect of the Venus Protocol lies in its community-driven structure, wherein the protocol's ownership and governance rest in the hands of its participants. XVS, the native governance token which can be staked within the Venus Protocol Vault, empowers this system and offers a rewarding opportunity to earn additional tokens.


In decentralized finance (DeFi), an array of services conventionally tied to traditional financial systems has begun to unfold. Venus Protocol introduces an avenue where users can seamlessly engage in lending or borrowing activities from a diverse pool of assets. What sets this protocol apart is its departure from reliance on centralized intermediaries, as it leverages advanced technologies, including smart contracts, to autonomously execute transactions. By doing so, suppliers of collateral can tap into the potential of their idle funds, unlocking a realm of passive benefits.

Understanding Venus Protocol: Functionality and Mechanisms

Embedded within DeFi realms, Venus Protocol introduces an algorithmic money market protocol that intertwines with a synthetic stablecoin ecosystem. Traditionally, the money market has been a pivotal element in the economy, catering to short-term loan requirements.

However, Venus Protocol revolutionizes the landscape by bringing DeFi lending and borrowing to the BNB chain. Notably, it enables collateral suppliers to generate the platform's native synthetic stablecoins (VAI) by over-collateralizing their positions.

Derived from its foundation, Venus Protocol is a harmonious amalgamation of Compound and MakerDAO, both prominent Ethereum-based protocols. While the former serves as a money market protocol, the latter specializes in stablecoin minting. Venus Protocol seamlessly integrates these functionalities, providing users the flexibility to leverage a unified ecosystem, regardless of the specific function they engage in.

Conceptually, envision Venus Protocol as an inclusive lending environment. Firstly, it facilitates BNB Chain users with idle cryptocurrency to contribute collateral to the network. Secondly, users seeking additional funds can borrow by pledging over-collateralized cryptocurrency. Consequently, lenders receive compounded annual interest rates, while borrowers assume interest obligations on their respective loans.

The protocol effectively establishes interest rates for lending and borrowing through a dynamic curve yield mechanism that adapts based on utilization. These rates are autonomously adjusted according to market demands, such as BNB or ETH. Nevertheless, the governance process embedded within the protocol sets predefined limits for minimum and maximum interest rates.

Synthetic stablecoin minting transpires through the utilization of vTokens, representing the collateral deposited within the Venus Protocol. By way of illustration, users receive vUSDT upon supplying USDT, enabling subsequent redemption for the underlying collateral. Additionally, users can borrow up to 50% of their collateral value on the protocol from their vTokens to mint VAI.

Distinguished from lending and borrowing interest rates, Venus Protocol adopts a distinct approach to ascertain stablecoin interest rates. These rates remain fixed and can solely be adjusted through the governance process, preventing arbitrary alterations in the ecosystem.

Chronicles of Venus Protocol

In 2020, Venus Protocol emerged under the guidance of a project development team hailing from Swipe, a renowned global cryptocurrency credit card issuer. With the launch of Venus (XVS), their vision was clear from the outset: bridging the gap between traditional finance and DeFi on the BNB Chain. Their aim was to offer users an alternative application that circumvented the challenges they had previously encountered on Ethereum.

While Swipe actively supported the development of Venus Protocol, it is important to note that there were no instances of XVS token pre-mines for developers or founders. This deliberate approach ensured that complete control over the protocol and token rested in the hands of XVS holders.

Venus Protocol remains flexible and adaptable, reflecting the preferences of its community. An illustrative instance of this is witnessed in the Venus V2 upgrade, which implemented more stringent VAI liquidation penalties. Furthermore, the upgrade introduced fees for VAI minting and platform withdrawals, redirecting the proceeds to the Venus Reserves Treasury. Notably, this upgrade also included a rewarding airdrop of the native Venus Reward Token (VRT) to existing XVS holders, serving as an acknowledgment of their support and dedication.

Unlocking Possibilities of Venus Protocol

Within the framework of Venus Protocol, users are empowered to engage in permissionless lending and borrowing activities from a diverse pool of assets. Moreover, they have the opportunity to mint stablecoins by leveraging over-collateralized positions while actively participating in the protocol's governance.


Venus Protocol efficiently creates pools of loaned cryptocurrencies by employing smart contracts, allowing users to supply assets and earn variable yields on their contributions. This innovative approach unlocks latent value that already exists on the BNB Chain, catering to assets like Bitcoin and Litecoin, which previously lacked a lending market.


The borrowing mechanism employed by Venus Protocol adopts an over-collateralized loan system, requiring borrowers to pledge collateral before accessing funds. For instance, if Ethereum holds a collateral value of 50%, users can borrow up to 50% of their own ETH value. Additionally, users can actively influence the collateral ratio through the governance process embedded within the protocol.

It is important to exercise caution, as highlighted in the Venus Protocol white paper, as the collateral value typically ranges from 40% to 75%. Should the collateral value decrease significantly, users run the risk of liquidation of their positions.

Minting Stablecoins

The minting and redemption of the synthetic stablecoin, VAI, is fixed at a value of 1 USD, although its market price can fluctuate based on supply and demand dynamics. Venus Protocol facilitates the minting of stablecoins using remaining collateral from previous vToken deposits. Furthermore, the protocol promotes inclusivity, allowing anyone to mint stablecoins without the need for central authorities. These newly minted stablecoins can then be utilized for various purposes, including generating yield within other DeFi projects.


Venus Protocol places the future of the platform in the hands of its user community. Complete control over the protocol is facilitated through the utilization of the governance token, XVS, which adheres to the BEP-20 standard. Users actively participate in the decision-making process by exercising their voting rights. This empowers them to shape various protocol-related matters, such as proposing improvements, adding new tokens to the ecosystem, adjusting interest rates, and scheduling token distribution. Furthermore, Venus Protocol envisions the development of Venus Vault, a product designed to enhance the protocol's risk management capabilities and facilitate staking rewards, where users can lock their governance tokens.

The Uniqueness of Venus Protocol

Venus Protocol emerges as a catalyst for incorporating traditional financial lending services into blockchain-powered decentralized protocols, acknowledging that it is not the pioneering entity in this realm. Indeed, Ethereum-based DeFi applications have already amassed billions of dollars in locked assets.

However, these existing applications are not without their challenges. They grapple with issues such as exorbitant costs, sluggish network speeds, and limited availability of cryptocurrencies from alternate blockchains, including XRP and Litecoin. Venus Protocol distinguishes itself from many other money market protocols by offering a unique proposition: the ability to utilize supplied collateral not only for borrowing purposes but also for minting stablecoins.

Furthermore, Venus Protocol introduces an innovative paradigm where users can earn yield from the minted tokens. This stands in stark contrast to other protocols that confine such tokens within smart contracts, devoid of the benefits derived from underlying assets. Consequently, Venus Protocol eliminates the necessity of withdrawing one's own assets from a money market in order to mint stablecoins.

In contrast to numerous well-known stablecoins, Venus Protocol's synthetic stablecoins derive their backing not from traditional financial assets or fiat currencies but from a diverse basket of cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, the utilization of the BNB Chain ensures swift and cost-effective transactions while fostering a comprehensive network of wrapped tokens and liquidity.


In a groundbreaking integration, Venus Protocol seamlessly merges the realms of the money market and stablecoin generation into a single protocol, thereby unlocking the untapped potential of collateral within the crypto ecosystem. The unparalleled speed and cost-effectiveness offered by the BNB Chain grant universal access to these financial instruments, empowering individuals across the globe who possess a cryptocurrency wallet. This revolutionary development empowers users to engage in a myriad of activities, including borrowing against assets, earning interest, supplying collateral, and instantaneously minting stablecoins as per their requirements.

Venus Protocol