Bitcoin Spot ETF vs. Bitcoin Futures ETF

Bitcoin Spot ETF vs. Bitcoin Futures ETF


A Bitcoin ETF, or Exchange Traded Fund for Bitcoin, enables investors to track the price movements of Bitcoin without directly owning or managing Bitcoin. The main differences between Bitcoin Spot ETFs and Bitcoin Futures ETFs include their underlying assets, performance drivers, liquidity needs, potential price divergence, and exposures. Bitcoin ETFs serve as a bridge, providing traditional investors with exposure to the cryptocurrency world. Financial institutions such as BlackRock, Invesco, Ark Invest, and Fidelity have applied for Bitcoin Spot ETFs. If approved, more Bitcoin ETFs could become available to investors.

What Are Bitcoin ETFs?

Bitcoin ETFs have become a significant aspect of cryptocurrency investments. These financial instruments offer investors exposure to Bitcoin's price fluctuations without the need to directly own or manage the cryptocurrency.

A Bitcoin ETF consists of Bitcoin or Bitcoin price-related contracts and trades on conventional stock exchanges, similar to company shares. With the cryptocurrency market's growth, interest in Bitcoin ETFs has notably increased, especially towards Bitcoin Spot ETFs and Bitcoin Futures ETFs, each appealing to distinct investment strategies and risk tolerances.

What Are Bitcoin Spot ETFs?

A Bitcoin Spot ETF directly holds Bitcoin as its asset, meaning its value mirrors Bitcoin's real-time price. When investors purchase shares of a Bitcoin Spot ETF, they effectively gain ownership of the represented Bitcoin without directly holding the cryptocurrency.

For example, consider a Bitcoin Spot ETF called "BTC-one." If BTC-one holds 10,000 Bitcoins and issues 1 million shares, each share would represent 0.01 Bitcoin. Thus, BTC-one's performance is closely tied to the current value of its Bitcoin holdings.

Pros and Cons of Bitcoin Spot ETFs

Bitcoin Spot ETFs offer notable benefits, such as exposure to Bitcoin's price movements without the need to directly manage or store the cryptocurrency, thus bypassing security concerns and the necessity of digital wallets. Trading on traditional stock exchanges, these ETFs introduce Bitcoin into a regulated environment, potentially enhancing trust among investors. Additionally, they provide a familiar investment structure for traditional market participants.

However, investing in Bitcoin Spot ETFs comes with risks. The ETF's value is subject to Bitcoin's inherent volatility and may not always align perfectly with Bitcoin's performance due to fees or administrative factors. While ETFs integrate Bitcoin into conventional finance, the cryptocurrency market remains volatile. Additionally, ETF trading incurs higher costs compared to spot crypto trading, with fees potentially reaching up to 2.5%, whereas spot trading fees are typically lower.

Similar benefits and drawbacks apply to Ethereum Spot ETFs and other cryptocurrency Spot ETFs, which operate under comparable principles.

What Are Bitcoin Futures ETFs?

A Bitcoin Futures ETF invests in Bitcoin futures contracts rather than holding Bitcoin directly. These contracts are agreements to buy or sell Bitcoin at a set price on a future date, allowing investors to speculate on Bitcoin's price movements without owning the cryptocurrency.

For example, consider a Bitcoin Futures ETF named "BitFutures," designed to track Bitcoin's future price by purchasing Bitcoin futures contracts. Managed by a financial institution, BitFutures might acquire 1,000 futures contracts, each giving the right to buy Bitcoin at $75,000 in three months. To fund these purchases, BitFutures issues 10 million shares, with each share representing a fractional claim on the futures contracts' potential profits or losses.

Investors can buy BitFutures shares on stock exchanges just like regular company shares. If Bitcoin's price is expected to rise above $75,000 in three months, BitFutures shares may trade at a premium. Conversely, if market expectations are low, the shares might trade at a discount. For instance, if BitFutures shares are trading at $10 each, an investor anticipating a price increase might buy 1,000 shares for $10,000. If the futures contracts become profitable and the share price rises to $12, the investor's holdings would then be worth $12,000, yielding a $2,000 profit. 

Buying shares in a Bitcoin Futures ETF like BitFutures is essentially betting on Bitcoin's future price without directly holding the cryptocurrency or the futures contracts. Ethereum Futures ETFs operate similarly.

Pros and Cons of Bitcoin Futures ETFs

Bitcoin Futures ETFs offer investors a way to gain exposure to Bitcoin's price movements without owning the cryptocurrency. Operating within a regulated environment, these ETFs adhere to financial regulatory standards, providing a layer of security. They also offer high liquidity, allowing for easy buying and selling on traditional stock exchanges.

However, Bitcoin Futures ETFs come with certain drawbacks. Investors do not have direct exposure to Bitcoin; instead, they own shares in a fund that invests in futures contracts. The complexity of the futures market can affect the ETF's performance, and additional management fees may reduce returns. Furthermore, the value of these ETFs may not always align perfectly with Bitcoin's price. Additionally, they are subject to counterparty risks, where the other party in the futures contract might fail to fulfill their obligations.

Bitcoin Spot ETFs vs. Bitcoin Futures ETFs

AspectBitcoin Spot ETFsBitcoin Futures ETFs
Underlying AssetHolds actual BitcoinsHolds futures contracts tied to Bitcoin
Performance DriversDirectly tied to Bitcoin's real-time priceInfluenced by futures market dynamics
Liquidity NeedsRequires secure storage of Bitcoins; may trade less frequently to reflect spot priceTrades more frequently, rolling over contracts approaching expiration; complex liquidity management
Potential Price DivergenceClosely tracks Bitcoin’s spot priceMay diverge from Bitcoin’s spot price due to futures market dynamics and contract expirations
Exposure and RisksDirect exposure to Bitcoin's price fluctuations; primarily impacted by Bitcoin’s volatilityIndirect exposure; risks influenced by Bitcoin’s volatility and futures market complexities such as leverage and expiration
Operational ComplexityNeeds infrastructure for storing BitcoinsRequires expertise in futures trading and market operations

Available Bitcoin ETFs for Investors

Numerous Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs are available for investment, and comprehensive lists of these funds can be found on reputable sources. Before investing, it is crucial to review the fund's details, including fee structure, fund manager, and liquidity.

ETFs vary in their fee structures, encompassing management and trading fees, which can impact returns. It is essential to consider the ETF provider's reputation and track record, as established managers with proven histories often present less risk. Evaluating the ETF's liquidity is also important, as funds that allow for easy trading without significant price fluctuations are generally more favorable.

Some Bitcoin ETFs also offer diversified exposure to other cryptocurrencies, making them a good option for those looking to broaden their digital asset portfolio.

Who Should Invest in Bitcoin ETFs?

When deciding between Bitcoin Spot ETFs and Bitcoin Futures ETFs, it's important to consider the type of investor each is suited for.

Bitcoin Spot ETFs are ideal for those wanting direct exposure to Bitcoin's real-time price movements without the hassle of managing or securing the digital asset. These investors typically believe in Bitcoin's long-term value and prefer the straightforward nature of Spot ETFs, which closely track the market price of Bitcoin.

In contrast, Bitcoin Futures ETFs are better suited for experienced investors comfortable with the complexities of the futures market. These individuals are not only interested in Bitcoin's price but also in leveraging futures market dynamics for hedging other investments or capitalizing on short-term price changes. They must be willing to navigate the risks and rewards associated with futures trading, including contract rollovers.


Bitcoin ETFs offer traditional investors a gateway into the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin Spot ETFs provide direct exposure to Bitcoin's price by holding the cryptocurrency itself, while Bitcoin Futures ETFs offer exposure through contracts speculating on Bitcoin's future price.

As with any investment, caution is essential. The Bitcoin market and related investment vehicles come with significant risks. Prospective investors should conduct comprehensive research and, crucially, seek advice from a trusted financial advisor to ensure their investments align with their financial goals and risk tolerance.


Bitcoin ETF
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
Bitcoin Spot ETF
Bitcoin Futures ETF