How Does DeFi Curve Finance DEX Work?

How Does DeFi Curve Finance DEX Work?

Curve Finance is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that operates on the Ethereum network. It focuses on facilitating the exchange of stablecoins. To use Curve, you only require an Ethereum wallet and funds. With minimal fees and slippage, you can easily swap between various stablecoins. It can be likened to a stablecoin version of Uniswap. Moreover, Curve's unique pricing formula makes it ideal for exchanging different tokenized variations of a specific coin.


Curve Finance, a leading player in the DeFi sector, has been instrumental in the rapid growth of automated market makers (AMMs) in the crypto industry. These liquidity protocols, including Uniswap, Balancer, and PancakeSwap, enable individuals to participate as market makers and earn fees across various market pairs.

While it remains uncertain if AMMs can effectively compete with centralized exchanges overall, they have already demonstrated remarkable potential in a specific domain: stablecoin trading. Curve Finance stands at the forefront of this specialized area, leveraging its expertise to facilitate seamless and efficient stablecoin transactions.

What Is Curve Finance?

Curve Finance is a decentralized protocol that functions as an AMM specifically tailored for low-cost and low-slippage swapping of stablecoins. It serves as a decentralized liquidity aggregator, providing individuals with the opportunity to contribute their assets to various liquidity pools and earn fees.

Unlike traditional exchanges with order books, AMMs like Curve employ a pricing algorithm. The unique pricing formula used by Curve makes it particularly advantageous for exchanging tokens that exhibit similar price ranges. This makes Curve not only an excellent option for swapping stablecoins but also for trading different tokenized versions of a specific coin. Notably, Curve is highly regarded for facilitating seamless swaps between tokenized versions of Bitcoin, including WBTC, renBTC, and sBTC.

Curve offers numerous pools that enable users to swap between various stablecoins and assets. The availability of these pools constantly evolves in response to market demand and the ever-changing DeFi landscape. Among the popular stablecoins supported by Curve are USDT, USDC, DAI, BUSD, TUSD, and sUSD, among others.

Although the official information about the Curve team is limited, it is worth mentioning that Michael Egorov, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of NuCypher has made significant contributions to Curve on GitHub.

How Does It Work?

Curve operates on a pricing formula rather than an order book, ensuring efficient asset swaps within a similar price range. This is exemplified by the equivalence of 1 USDT to 1 USDC and approximately 1 BUSD. However, when converting a significant amount, say 100 million dollars, from USDT to USDC and then to BUSD, some slippage may occur. Nevertheless, Curve's formula is designed to minimize such slippage as much as possible.

It is important to note that Curve's formula is optimized for tokens within the same price range. If the tokens deviate significantly from their expected values, Curve's efficiency would be compromised. However, as long as the tokens maintain their peg, the formula effectively fulfills its purpose.

As a result, Curve achieves remarkably low slippage, even for substantial transaction sizes. Curve's spread can compete favorably with some of the best-liquidated centralized exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) desks. It's worth mentioning that liquidity and execution are not the sole factors determining trust and risk. However, the competition between centralized and decentralized platforms in this regard is undeniably fascinating.

CRV Token

CurveDAO operates using a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) framework, and its governance token is known as CRV. The protocol rewards liquidity providers with CRV tokens on an ongoing basis, with the distribution rate decreasing each year. Every trade conducted on the platform entails a trading fee of 0.04%. This fee is directly allocated to the liquidity providers.

Risks Associated With Curve Finance

Curve has undergone an audit conducted by Trail of Bits, which provides a measure of security. However, it is crucial to understand that even with audits, risks are inherent when utilizing any smart contract. Therefore, it is advisable to only deposit an amount that you are comfortable potentially losing.

Similar to other AMM protocols, it is important to consider impermanent loss when using Curve. If you are unfamiliar with this concept, we recommend reading our article on impermanent loss before providing liquidity to Curve. Essentially, impermanent loss refers to the potential loss in the dollar value that liquidity providers may experience while supplying liquidity to an AMM.

Behind the scenes, the liquidity pool may be deployed in Compound or to generate additional income for liquidity providers. Moreover, due to the concept of composability, users can not only trade on Curve but also interact with other smart contracts. This introduces further risks as various DeFi protocols become interconnected. If any of these protocols encounter issues, it can trigger a detrimental chain reaction across the entire DeFi ecosystem.

Swerve Finance

Swerve Finance, a notable hard fork of Curve Finance, prides itself on being a "fair launch" project. Unlike its predecessor, Swerve's governance token (SWRV) was distributed through a liquidity mining event without any allocation to the team or founders. This approach ensures that all participants had an equal opportunity to farm SWRV tokens, establishing Swerve as a fully community-owned and governed platform, distinct from Curve.


Curve Finance is a highly favored AMM operating on the Ethereum network. It excels in enabling substantial stablecoin transactions with minimal slippage and narrow spreads while maintaining a non-custodial approach. Furthermore, Curve Finance holds a pivotal position in the DeFi realm as various blockchain protocols heavily depend on its functionality. The interoperability and composability between different decentralized applications within DeFi present both risks and significant advantages.


Curve Finance