What Are Keyloggers and How to Detect Them?

What Are Keyloggers and How to Detect Them?


Keystroke logging, commonly referred to as keylogging, is the act of capturing all keyboard inputs made on a computer system. This can be done through either a software program or a hardware device known as a keylogger. Keyloggers are not inherently illegal, but their usage is frequently associated with malicious activities. They are designed to record every keystroke on a computer, regardless of whether it's a password, credit card information, or any other sensitive information. Therefore, keyloggers can be a major security risk and should be used with caution.

Good and Bad Ways of Using Keyloggers


Despite being commonly used for malicious purposes, keyloggers can have a few beneficial uses. For example, parents can utilize keyloggers to keep track of their children's computer activity, and employers can monitor how their workers are using their computers during work hours, with the consent of the employees. Additionally, keyloggers can be utilized to record important data, such as passwords, in the event of an operating system crash, although there are more secure methods for doing so. Scientists have also adopted keystroke logging as a research tool for investigating human writing processes.


A keylogger is designed to record all keystrokes made on a target computer. While this can be beneficial in certain situations, it is often used for nefarious purposes. Cybercriminals frequently utilize keylogger programs to extract sensitive information from their victims, including credit card info, passwords, personal emails, banking credentials, driver's license numbers, and other confidential data.

Types of Keyloggers

There are two primary types of keylogging devices, namely software and hardware. It is essential to comprehend the distinction between the two when comparing software and hardware keyloggers. Although software keyloggers are more prevalent, it is important to understand how hardware keyloggers function as well.


Hardware keyloggers are typically comprised of a small chip or wire that is physically connected to a computer or laptop. Most hardware keyloggers can be effortlessly detached, but the information collected can still be reviewed using a coordinating computer program, even after the chip or wire has been removed. As a result, hardware keyloggers are frequently preferred by companies seeking to monitor their employees. Unlike software keyloggers, firmware versions of hardware keyloggers can be attached to a computer's BIOS and record data as soon as the computer is turned on. Additionally, wireless keylogger sniffers can intercept communication between wireless keyboards and the computer.


On the other hand, software keyloggers are more challenging to detect. They usually take the form of a software program that has been covertly installed on a computer by a hacker. This can be done by downloading the program directly to the host computer (e.g., through phishing attacks) or remotely. While the most common software keyloggers only record keyboard activity, there are modified versions capable of taking screenshots and logging clipboard data. Less common types of software keyloggers include those based on Javascript (injected into websites), APIs (running inside an application), and web forms (recording any data submitted to web forms).

How to Detect and Remove a Keylogger

If you suspect that your computer has been infected with a software keylogger, there are a few steps you can take to detect and remove it. Checking the system processes is a good place to start. If you see something unusual, do some research to determine if it's a legitimate program or a keylogger. Additionally, monitoring your outgoing traffic is recommended. If you find a keylogger, removing it is not always easy. Installing anti-keylogger software may work, but if it doesn't, formatting and reinstalling the operating system is likely the best solution.

How to Prevent a Hardware Keylogger?

The chances of encountering a hardware keylogger in your home are low but possible in public settings. These keyloggers are typically plugged into a USB port, so a simple defense would be to check the USB area of the computer before use. If you need to enter sensitive information, there are techniques to confuse a potential keylogger. For example, type the last character of your password first and then use your mouse to move the cursor to the beginning of the password. Another option is to replace text while typing. However, these techniques are not foolproof and may not be effective against more advanced keyloggers that can capture screen or mouse activity.

How to Prevent a Software Keylogger?

It can be challenging to detect software keyloggers, but there are a few things you can do to prevent them. Installing reputable antivirus software on your computer is an effective way to stay protected. You can also install anti-keylogger software, which is specifically designed to detect and remove keyloggers.

It's essential to be careful with email attachments and links, and to avoid clicking on ads and visiting unknown websites. Keeping your software applications and operating system updated is also essential to protect against keyloggers.

If you participate in online activities that involve money, such as Internet banking or cryptocurrency trading, you should be particularly vigilant.


Keyloggers can be a useful tool in certain situations, such as for parents monitoring their children or employers monitoring their workers with consent. However, they are often used maliciously by cyber criminals to extract sensitive information from victims. It's important to be aware of the types of keyloggers, including software and hardware, and take steps to prevent and detect them. To protect against keyloggers, consider installing reputable antivirus software, avoiding suspicious email attachments and links, and keeping software applications and operating systems up to date.
