What Is a Junk Bond?

What Is a Junk Bond?

8 Min.

Junk bonds are a type of debt that a rating agency has given a low credit rating, meaning they are below investment grade. This makes them riskier to invest in compared to other types of bonds, as there is a higher chance that the issuer will default or experience a credit event. However, despite the higher risk, these bonds offer higher interest rates to investors, which is why they are also known as high-yield bonds.


Junk bonds are bonds that carry a higher risk of default than most bonds issued by corporations and governments. Essentially, a bond serves as a contractual debt agreement, obliging the issuer to remit interest payments and return the principal to investors who purchase the bond.

Junk bonds specifically pertain to debt instruments issued by financially distressed companies, introducing a heightened probability of defaulting on interest payments or failing to repay the principal to investors. Often synonymous with the term high-yield bonds, this nomenclature underscores the necessity for an increased yield to mitigate the inherent risk associated with these instruments.

Exploring Junk Bonds

In dissecting the intricacies of high-yield bonds, colloquially known as "junk" bonds, one finds striking parallels with traditional corporate bonds from a technical perspective. Both are debt instruments issued by entities, assuring investors of interest payments and principal reimbursement upon maturity. However, the distinguishing factor lies in the inferior credit quality of junk bond issuers.

Bonds, as fixed-income instruments, constitute a method corporations and governments employ to generate capital from investors. The bond acquisition process involves investors essentially lending money to the issuer, who commits to repaying the sum on a predefined maturity date. Throughout the bond's tenure, investors typically receive annual interest payments, termed the coupon rate.

For instance, a bond featuring a 5% annual coupon rate indicates investors earn a 5% return annually. For instance, a bond with a $1,000 face value yields an annual return of 5% of $1,000, amounting to $50 until the bond reaches maturity.

Yield Dynamics in High-Risk Bonds

Within the financial spectrum, bonds with an elevated risk of company default are called junk bonds. These instruments are frequently issued by struggling startups or financially distressed companies, introducing an inherent uncertainty for investors regarding the principal repayment and the receipt of regular interest payments. Consequently, to offset this increased risk, junk bonds offer a higher yield compared to their more secure counterparts, attracting investors essential for funding the operations of these companies.


  • Enhanced Yields: Junk bonds outperform various fixed-income debt securities regarding returns.
  • Potential for Price Surge: Positive shifts in a company's financial condition can lead to substantial increases in the value of junk bonds.
  • Risk Indicator: Junk bonds function as indicators, reflecting investor sentiments towards risk in the market.


  • Increased Default Risk: Junk bonds carry a greater risk of default compared to bonds with superior credit ratings.
  • Price Volatility: Uncertainty surrounding the financial performance of the issuer can contribute to fluctuations in junk bond prices.
  • Market Overbought Signals: Active junk bond markets may signal investor complacency with risk, potentially leading to market downturns.

Using Junk Bonds as a Market Indicator

Investors often leverage junk bonds not solely for interest income but as an avenue for capitalizing on potential price upticks correlated with improvements in the financial health of the issuing company. Speculators predicting a surge in bond prices are essentially wagering on heightened demand for high-yield bonds, even those carrying lower ratings, catalyzed by shifts in market risk sentiment. For instance, a belief in an improving economic landscape, domestically or globally, might prompt investors to acquire junk bonds from companies expected to thrive in tandem with the economic upswing.

This increased demand for junk bonds subsequently functions as a market-risk indicator for certain investors. The act of purchasing these bonds signals a willingness among market participants to embrace more risk, fueled by the perception of an ameliorating economy. Conversely, a sell-off in junk bonds with declining prices indicates a risk-averse stance among investors, prompting a shift towards safer and more stable investment options.

While a surge in junk bond investments often reflects heightened market optimism, it also raises the cautionary flag of potential over-optimism in the market. Notably, the price volatility of junk bonds surpasses that of higher-quality bonds. Investors eyeing junk bonds can opt for individual purchases through a broker or consider investing in a professionally managed junk bond fund for a diversified approach.

Financial Performance Impact on Bond Dynamics

The financial health of a company significantly influences the dynamics of its bonds. Strong financial performance often translates to enhanced credit ratings, drawing considerable investor interest. This heightened demand propels the bond prices upwards, reflecting the willingness of investors to invest in a financially robust issuer. Conversely, companies experiencing financial difficulties are prone to lower or downgraded credit ratings, dissuading potential buyers. To attract investors amid heightened risk, companies with poor credit ratings typically offer elevated yields.

Consequently, bonds issued by companies boasting positive credit ratings generally entail lower interest rates on their debt instruments than those issued by companies with unfavorable credit standings. The vigilance of bond investors extends to monitoring the credit ratings of these instruments.

Credit Ratings in the Junk Bond Landscape

In terms of perceived risk in investments, junk bonds stand out as a category warranting close scrutiny. To gauge the level of risk associated with these investments, investors commonly rely on the bond's credit rating, an evaluation of the issuer's creditworthiness and outstanding debt represented by bonds. This credit rating holds sway over both the market price of the bond and the interest rate it offers.

Credit-rating agencies play a pivotal role in this assessment, assigning letter grades to reflect their evaluation of the issuer's creditworthiness. For instance, Standard & Poor's adopts a comprehensive scale, ranging from the highest grade of AAA to lower grades such as C and D. Any bond rated below BB is categorized as speculative or a junk bond, signaling a heightened risk profile that should give pause to risk-averse investors.

Investment Grade

Bonds receiving an investment-grade rating emanate from corporations deemed highly likely to meet their regular coupon payments and return the principal to investors. Standard & Poor's provides ratings such as AAA (excellent), AA (very good), A (good), and BBB (adequate).

Bonds falling into the double-B category and below are designated as junk bonds, signifying a territory laden with risk. Ratings in this category include CCC (currently vulnerable to nonpayment), C (highly vulnerable to nonpayment), and D (in default). Investors venturing into this space face potential harm in the event of a default.

The financial viability of a company and the likelihood of honoring bond terms are encapsulated in these credit ratings. Companies with lower credit ratings may encounter challenges raising the capital essential for ongoing operations. However, a company's diligent efforts to enhance financial performance could trigger an upward adjustment in its bond's credit rating, leading to a notable appreciation in the bond's price. Conversely, a deterioration in a company's financial position may prompt credit rating agencies to downgrade its credit rating and that of its bonds. A thorough investigation of the underlying business and available financial documents is imperative for investors navigating the intricacies of junk debt.

Default Events in Bond Markets

Bond defaults occur when a bond fails to meet its scheduled principal and interest payments, constituting a failure to fulfill debt obligations. Default encompasses the inability to repay interest and principal on a loan or security. The heightened risk of default in junk bonds stems from unpredictable revenue streams or insufficient collateral. Economic downturns further amplify the risk of bond defaults, rendering these lower-tier debts even more precarious.

Real Example of a Junk Bond

Illustrating the practical application of a junk bond, Tesla Inc. (TSLA) issued a fixed-rate bond maturing on March 1, 2021, featuring a fixed semi-annual coupon rate of 1.25%. Initially assigned an S&P rating of B- upon its 2014 issuance, the bond's credit rating saw an upgrade in October 2020 to BB-, still within junk bond territory. A BB rating indicates diminished vulnerability to nonpayment but acknowledges significant uncertainties or exposure to adverse business and economic conditions.

As of October 2020, the Tesla bond's market price stood at $577, surpassing its original $100 face value from 2014. This considerable premium reflects the additional yield investors receive above the coupon payment. Notably, the bonds are convertible to equity, a factor contributing to their substantial premium. With Tesla's shares surging by 600% in the twelve months leading up to October 26, 2020, these bonds have emerged as valuable alternatives to equity for investors.


Junk bonds present a nuanced financial landscape with higher risk and potential returns. These lower-rated debt instruments, signaling both risk indicators and yield opportunities, navigate challenges posed by economic downturns and default events. Investors must exercise diligence, recognizing inherent rewards and risks when buying bonds.

Junk Bond