What Is a Multinational Corporation?

What Is a Multinational Corporation?

5 Min.

Many large corporations operate in multiple countries worldwide. A company is considered multinational if it generates at least 25% of its revenue outside its home country. When a multinational corporation operates, it can positively impact the economies of the countries it operates in. However, some believe outsourcing American manufacturing to foreign countries can negatively affect the US economy. Investing in a multinational corporation can be a way to diversify and add international exposure to a portfolio.


Multinational corporations, commonly called MNCs, represent formidable entities with a global footprint, operating in foreign territories beyond their nation of origin. In certain definitions, these corporations are identified by their capacity to generate no less than 25% of their total revenue from overseas markets.

Typically, a multinational enterprise maintains a presence across various nations, establishing offices, factories, or other strategic facilities worldwide while maintaining a centralized headquarters responsible for orchestrating global management initiatives. These global corporate organizations may also go by monikers, such as international conglomerates, stateless entities, or transnational corporations, and some even wield budgets surpassing those of small nations.

How Do Multinational Corporations Work?

Multinational corporations, often known as MNCs, are entities engaged in business activities spanning multiple countries. The criteria for classifying a company as multinational can vary, with some defining any company possessing foreign branches as such, while others require a minimum of 25% revenue sourced from abroad.

These corporate giants frequently invest directly in foreign nations, primarily hailing from developed countries. Proponents argue that they bring high-paying employment opportunities and technologically advanced products to regions without such access. Nevertheless, critics contend that multinational corporations wield excessive political sway over governments, exploit emerging economies, and contribute to job losses in their home nations.

The roots of multinational corporations intertwine with the history of colonialism, with many early MNCs commissioned by European monarchs to spearhead international ventures. Some colonies, not under Spanish or Portuguese rule, fell under the purview of the world's pioneering international enterprises. Among them, The East India Company, founded in 1600 as a British multinational, played a pivotal role in global trade and exploration, establishing trading posts in India. Additional early examples of MNCs encompass the Swedish Africa Company (1649) and the Hudson's Bay Company (1670).

Key Characteristics of Multinational Corporations

Multinational corporations (MNCs) exhibit several defining characteristics:

  1. Global Presence: They maintain a worldwide operational footprint.
  2. Size and Influence: Typically, they are formidable and influential entities.
  3. Multilingual Operations: Business is conducted in multiple languages to accommodate diverse markets.
  4. Complex Structure: MNCs feature intricate business models and organizational structures.
  5. Foreign Investments: They engage in direct investments in overseas nations.
  6. Foreign Job Creation: Often, they create employment opportunities abroad, potentially offering higher wages than local norms.
  7. Strategic Goals: MNCs pursue enhanced efficiency, reduced production costs, and expanded market share.
  8. Navigating Regulations: Substantial resources are allocated to navigate foreign countries' regulatory landscapes.
  9. Taxation: They pay taxes in the countries where they operate.
  10. Financial Reporting: Financial information is reported following International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
  11. Controversies: They are occasionally criticized for negative economic and environmental impacts in foreign markets, as well as for job outsourcing, which may have adverse effects on their home countries.

In 2019, US multinational corporations employed a staggering 43.9 million individuals worldwide.

Diverse Structures of Multinational Corporations

Multinational corporations encompass four distinct organizational models:

1. Decentralized Corporation:

  • Maintains a presence in its home country.
  • Employs autonomous offices and facilities globally.
  • Local offices possess decision-making authority.

2. Centralized Global Corporation:

  • Features a central headquarters in the home country.
  • Key decisions made by executives at headquarters.
  • Global and domestic operations are overseen by headquarters.

3. International Division Within a Corporation:

  • Responsible for all international operations.
  • Facilitates decision-making in foreign markets.
  • Challenges in maintaining a unified brand image and corporate consensus.

4. Transnational Corporation:

  • Employs a parent-subsidiary structure.
  • The parent company supervises foreign subsidiaries.
  • Utilizes parent's assets, including R&D data.
  • The parent retains a management role across all subsidiaries.

Notable multinational corporations encompass IBM, Berkshire Hathaway, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Walmart. Nestlé S.A., exemplifying the transnational model, exercises authority in both its headquarters and subsidiaries, such as Nespresso.

Pros and Cons of Multinational Enterprises

Multinational corporations encounter a spectrum of advantages and disadvantages impacting their operations, consumers, and the workforce.


  1. Market Expansion: International presence opens new sales opportunities, addressing local demand efficiently.
  2. Optimal Capital Deployment: Corporations operate where capital usage is most efficient and wage considerations are favorable.
  3. Cost Efficiency: By reducing production costs, multinational firms can lower prices and enhance global consumer purchasing power.
  4. Tax Benefits: Lower tax rates in host countries attract direct investments, fostering job creation and local economic growth.
  5. Financial Investments: Multinational companies contribute to foreign economies through direct financial investments.


  1. Job Relocation: Globalization often leads to domestic job displacement, increasing home country unemployment.
  2. Monopoly Concerns: Multinationals may develop monopolies in certain product markets, elevating consumer prices, limiting competition, and stifling innovation.
  3. Environmental Impact: Their operations can trigger land development and depletion of local resources, adversely affecting the environment.
  4. Small Business Disruption: Local enterprises may struggle to compete against multinational giants, potentially leading to their decline.
  5. Ethical Concerns: Critics argue that multinational companies may disregard ethical standards, evading laws to advance their agendas.
  6. Risks associated with the diverse countries and regions of their operations: regulatory and legal challenges, political instability, crime, and currency exchange rate fluctuations. 

Additionally, the European Union plans to implement a 15% minimum corporate tax rate on profits, effective from 2023, impacting multinational taxation.


Multinational corporations operate globally in various organizational structures, offering advantages like market expansion, capital optimization, cost-efficiency, tax benefits, and foreign investments. However, these benefits may lead to job displacement, monopolies, environmental concerns, harm to small businesses, and ethical issues. MNCs face risks tied to their global operations, such as regulatory challenges, political instability, crime, currency fluctuations, and the impending European Union's 15% minimum corporate tax rate. 

Multinational Corporation (MNC)