What Is an Air-Gapped Wallet?

What Is an Air-Gapped Wallet?


In the realm of cryptocurrency wallets, there exists a distinct category known as air-gapped wallets. These wallets have been meticulously crafted to operate in a state of complete disconnection from the internet and all wireless communication channels. Air-gapped wallets typically engage in offline transaction signing and establish interactions with online devices through the utilization of QR codes or micro-SD cards.

When it comes to security, air-gapped wallets are widely regarded as a superior option compared to other wallet types. However, it is important to acknowledge that air-gapped wallets are not impervious to vulnerabilities and necessitate a significant degree of user responsibility. Consequently, they are most suitable for individuals who hold substantial assets over extended periods.

What Is an Air-Gapped Wallet?

A specialized form of cryptocurrency wallet, known as an air-gapped wallet, has been developed to ensure complete disconnection from the internet and all forms of wireless communication. This disconnection encompasses technologies such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC (near-field communication), and in some cases, even USB drives.

The term "air gap" originates from the notion of maintaining a physical separation, or a "gap of air," between the wallet device and any online networks or wireless communication channels. This physical disconnection adds a layer of security, shielding the wallet from potential hacking attempts and exploits.

How Does an Air-Gapped Wallet Functionate? 

The functionality of air-gapped wallets, designed to ensure transaction facilitation in an offline state, is enabled through the utilization of scannable QR codes or micro-SD cards. These cards, compact removable memory devices, serve as a means to store transaction data.

To facilitate the process of Bitcoin transactions, air-gapped wallets typically employ computer-based software applications that support Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions or similar partially signed transactions for various cryptocurrencies.

Now, let's delve into the workings of an air-gapped wallet when executing a Bitcoin transaction.

Step 1: Creating a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT)

When initiating a Bitcoin transaction, users typically utilize an online device with a Bitcoin wallet to specify the recipient's Bitcoin address and the desired amount to be sent.

As the online device lacks access to the user's private key, it cannot complete the transaction signing process entirely. Instead, it generates a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction that encompasses all the necessary transaction details, excluding the digital signature requiring the user's private key.

Step 2: Signing the Transaction 

By scanning a QR code or saving the transaction as a file compatible with a micro-SD card, the unsigned transaction is securely transferred to the user's air-gapped wallet.

Operating offline and disconnected from the Internet or any wireless communication, the air-gapped wallet possesses the private key necessary to sign the transaction. This isolation provides an added layer of security, safeguarding the private key from potential threats.

Step 3: Broadcasting the Transaction

After the air-gapped wallet completes the signing process, the fully-signed transaction is securely transferred back to the online device using a QR code or micro-SD card. Subsequently, the online device takes charge of broadcasting the signed transaction to the Bitcoin network. Miners in the network then proceed to process and validate the transaction, ensuring its inclusion in the blockchain as a confirmed record, similar to any other transaction.

Types of Air-Gapped Wallets

Air-gapped wallets can come in a variety of different forms, but the following are the most common air-gapped wallets.

Air-Gapped Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are purpose-built devices that provide secure offline storage for private keys. They enable transactions to be conducted without exposing the private keys to online or wireless communication environments. Equipped with a digital screen, these devices display transaction details, while physical or touch buttons allow users to manually authorize transactions.

Air-Gapped Computers 

An alternative method is to designate a dedicated computer as an air-gapped wallet. This computer is kept offline and solely utilized for the storage of private keys and transaction signing purposes. Unsigned transactions are typically transferred to air-gapped computers using a USB stick, and once the transactions are signed, they are similarly transferred out via the same method. This approach, although more intricate, demands a higher level of technical expertise.

Air-Gapped Smartphones 

Utilizing smartphones as air-gapped wallets is another option. These devices can be reset to factory settings and configured without internet connectivity. The wallet software is installed using methods like SD cards. This approach, while feasible, does involve complexities and necessitates advanced technical proficiency.

Differences Between Air-Gapped Wallets and Other Types of Wallets 

When examining wallets, it is helpful to compare air-gapped wallets with other types. Various categorizations exist for wallets, so let's explore how an air-gapped wallet fits within each classification.

Categorizing Crypto Wallets Based on Connectivity

Hot Wallets

A hot wallet is any wallet that is connected somehow to the internet. These wallets are easy to set up, and the funds are quickly accessible, making them convenient for traders and other frequent users.

Cold Wallets 

A cold wallet is disconnected from the Internet and uses a physical medium to store the keys offline. A cold wallet tends to be a safer alternative to storing crypto. This method is also known as cold storage and is suitable for long-term investors or "HODLers." An air-gapped wallet is a specific type of cold wallet, but not all cold wallets are necessarily air-gapped wallets.  

Categorizing Crypto Wallets Based on Physical Form

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are specialized physical devices designed for offline storage of private keys, providing enhanced security. These wallets, categorized as cold wallets, are commonly utilized for securely holding substantial amounts of cryptocurrencies over an extended period.

Software Wallets

Software wallets encompass various programs or applications installed on computers or smartphones, serving as a means to store cryptocurrencies. As these wallets are typically connected to the Internet, they fall under the category of hot wallets. This classification encompasses web wallets, desktop wallets, and mobile wallets.

Paper Wallets

Paper wallets are physical documents containing printed QR codes that represent a cryptocurrency address and its corresponding private key. These QR codes can be scanned to initiate cryptocurrency transactions.

While an air-gapped wallet falls under the category of hardware wallets, not all hardware wallets qualify as air-gapped wallets. Technically, a paper wallet can be regarded as an air-gapped wallet. However, conducting transactions with a paper wallet often necessitates importing the private keys into a software wallet, thereby compromising the air gap.

Categorizing Crypto Wallets Based on Control Over Private Keys

Custodial Wallets

Custodial wallets entrust the control of private keys to a third party, typically an exchange. While they offer convenience, they pose higher risks compared to non-custodial wallets, as users depend on the third party to safeguard their cryptocurrencies.

Non-Custodial Wallets

Non-custodial wallets grant users complete control over their private keys, ensuring full autonomy over their cryptocurrencies without any third-party involvement. This category includes desktop wallets, mobile wallets, and hardware wallets.

While an air-gapped wallet falls under the non-custodial category, not all non-custodial wallets are air-gapped wallets.

Differences Between Air-Gapped Wallets and Hardware Wallets 

Air-gapped wallets are a type of hardware wallet, but there are some key differences between the two. 

Connection to the Internet

By design, an air-gapped wallet maintains a permanent disconnect from the Internet, ensuring the utmost security for its private keys. As previously explained, this wallet type executes transactions while keeping the keys offline.

In contrast, a hardware wallet stores keys offline but utilizes an Internet-connected device to sign transactions. Although the private keys never leave the hardware wallet, this type of wallet does establish a connection with an online device during the signing process.

User Experience

The process of conducting transactions with air-gapped wallets is often more involved, whereas hardware wallets provide a more streamlined approach for signing transactions by directly connecting to online devices. Nevertheless, when used properly, hardware wallets remain highly secure due to their ability to keep private keys isolated even when connected. Both air-gapped wallets and hardware wallets offer robust security measures by keeping private keys offline. Air-gapped wallets take an additional precaution by strictly segregating themselves from devices connected to the Internet.

Is an Air-Gapped Wallet More Secure? 

Air-gapped wallets are widely regarded as highly secure within the crypto community due to their distinct security advantages. This heightened security stems from the fundamental characteristic of air-gapped wallets being exclusively operated on devices that remain completely disconnected from the Internet. This deliberate isolation shields them from the risks associated with online vulnerabilities like hacking, phishing, and malware.

By storing private keys on entirely offline devices, air-gapped wallets present an additional layer of defense, making it significantly more challenging for malicious individuals to pilfer the private keys unless they have physical access to the device.

What Are the Risks and Limitations of Air-Gapped Wallets? 

While air-gapped wallets offer robust security, it's important to acknowledge that they are not impervious to potential vulnerabilities. Certain security risks still exist. For instance, if a user inadvertently connects an air-gapped device to the Internet or introduces malicious software via a USB stick (which is sometimes used for charging and updates), the device's security can be compromised.

Moreover, users face challenges in maintaining the physical protection of air-gapped wallets to prevent theft, damage, or loss. To mitigate these risks, it is crucial for users to adhere to best practices and securely back up their keys. Additionally, using air-gapped wallets correctly and effectively necessitates a considerable level of technical expertise.

Choosing the Right Air-Gapped Wallet

Crypto holders who have decided to invest in an air-gapped wallet should consider the following factors before choosing their device:


Before selecting a wallet, it is essential to verify its compatibility with the cryptocurrencies you plan to store. Wallets differ in their level of support for various cryptocurrencies, with some specifically tailored for Bitcoin storage. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that your preferred currencies are supported before finalizing your choice.

Reputation and Reviews

When choosing a wallet, it is advisable to conduct thorough research and analyze feedback from fellow crypto enthusiasts across various platforms like Reddit, Discord, and Twitter. Evaluating the wallet's reputation and the level of trust it garners from the cryptocurrency community is crucial. Opting for well-established brands with robust security measures, reliable performance, and exceptional customer support is highly recommended. Prioritizing wallets with a proven track record and positive user feedback ensures a higher level of reliability and minimizes the likelihood of encountering security vulnerabilities.

Development Community

When selecting a wallet, it is important to evaluate the development community's activity on platforms like GitHub. Keeping an eye on ongoing updates is crucial as it demonstrates that the wallet is actively maintained and may include bug fixes and security improvements. Monitoring the level of engagement from the development community provides valuable insights into the wallet's reliability and commitment to enhancing its features.

User Experience

Take into account the wallet's user interface and ease of use. A user-friendly and well-designed interface enhances the convenience of managing your funds.


For cryptocurrency users, air-gapped wallets provide robust security, particularly for long-term holders of significant assets. These wallets safeguard against online threats by storing private keys on an offline device, disconnected from the Internet, and wireless communication.

However, it's important to note that air-gapped wallets are not completely infallible and demand a high level of user responsibility. The effectiveness of their security relies on maintaining the integrity of the air gap and ensuring the physical protection of the device. It's worth considering that air-gapped wallets may not be necessary for all users. Those who engage in frequent transactions or hold smaller cryptocurrency amounts might find other wallet options more suitable. Ultimately, the choice of wallet should align with the user's needs, risk tolerance, and ability to manage its security.

Air-Gapped Wallet
Non-Custodial Wallet
Custodial Wallet
Crypto Wallet