What Is Uniswap DEX?
Crypto Fundamental Analysis

What Is Uniswap DEX?

Uniswap is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that operates through Ethereum and is governed by its native token, UNI. By utilizing Uniswap, traders can exchange Ethereum ERC-20 tokens directly without the need for intermediaries or centralized entities. Uniswap's liquidity pools offer an opportunity for anyone to earn fees by lending their cryptocurrencies.


In the cryptocurrency market, centralized exchanges (CEXs) have long served as the foundation, providing deep liquidity, faster transactions, fiat on-ramps, and customer support. However, decentralized exchanges (DEXs) are gaining traction among users due to their appeal of lower trading fees, enhanced security, privacy, and ease of access.

Among the DEXs, one prominent example is Uniswap. Introduced by Hayden Adams in 2018, Uniswap drew inspiration from the groundbreaking technology initially outlined by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin. Uniswap revolutionized the landscape with its introduction of the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model, playing a pivotal role in the inception and advancement of DEXs. Today, Uniswap stands out as a highly user-friendly DEX, offering substantial liquidity and an extensive range of token listings. Its success has cemented its position as a preferred choice for many cryptocurrency traders.

What Is Uniswap?

Uniswap offers users the ability to trade cryptocurrencies independently, eliminating the need for centralized authorities or intermediaries while ensuring resistance to censorship. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, Uniswap utilizes smart contracts, self-executing programs with predetermined conditions encoded directly into the blockchain.

Uniswap distinguishes itself through the implementation of an innovative AMM model, replacing traditional order books with liquidity pools to facilitate seamless trading. Participants can contribute liquidity to these pools by depositing an equal value of both tokens in the pair, earning Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens in return. Other users can then interact with these liquidity pools to swap tokens. The price of assets within a liquidity pool is determined by a Constant Product Market Maker (CPMM) model.

Uniswap's open-source software is available on Uniswap GitHub, allowing users to explore and review the code.

How Does It Work?

Uniswap operates on the Constant Product Market Maker (CPMM) model, which forms the core of its functionality. As a liquidity provider, when you deposit a trading pair into Uniswap's liquidity pool, you can choose any two tokens of equal value: either ETH and one ERC-20 token or two ERC-20 tokens. Typically, one of the tokens is a stablecoin like DAI, USDC, or USDT. In return, you receive "liquidity tokens" that represents your ownership stake in the liquidity pool and entitle you to a portion of the trading fees generated by the pool.

Let's focus on the ETH/USDT liquidity pool to understand how it works. We'll refer to the ETH portion as "x" and the USDT portion as "y." Uniswap calculates the total liquidity in the pool, denoted as "k," by multiplying x and y. The key principle behind Uniswap is that k must remain constant. Therefore, the formula for the total liquidity of the pool is x * y = k.

Now, let's consider an example where Alice buys 1 ETH for 300 USDT using the ETH/USDT liquidity pool. This transaction increases the USDT portion while decreasing the ETH portion of the pool. Consequently, the price of ETH in the pool rises.

This price increase occurs because there is now less ETH available in the pool after the transaction. Since the total liquidity (k) must remain constant, this mechanism determines that the price of ETH will be k divided by x. In essence, the price paid for ETH in the pool depends on the extent to which a specific trade shifts the ratio between x and y.

It's important to note that this model does not exhibit linear scaling. Larger orders result in more significant imbalances between x and y, leading to higher costs and increased slippage. Additionally, larger liquidity pools experience smaller shifts between x and y, making it easier to fill large orders.

Uniswap Version History

Uniswap v1

  • Launched in 2018 as the initial version of Uniswap.
  • It offered simplicity while allowing trading of any ERC-20 token on Ethereum.
  • Uniswap v1 served as a proof of concept for Automated Market Maker (AMM) based decentralized exchanges.
  • Gained popularity within the Ethereum community.

Uniswap v2

  • Introduced in 2020, Uniswap v2 brought significant improvements compared to its predecessor.
  • A notable enhancement was the ability to create liquidity pools with ERC-20 to ERC-20 pairs.
  • Users could trade directly between the two tokens without the need for intermediate conversion to ETH.
  • Enhanced protocol efficiency, reduced gas fees, and introduced features like flash swaps.
  • Uniswap v2 contributed to the rapid growth of AMM adoption, positioning Uniswap as a major cryptocurrency spot exchange.

Uniswap v3

  • Uniswap v3 introduced a major change focused on capital efficiency.
  • Traditional AMMs tend to be capital-inefficient due to the x * y = k model, where liquidity is evenly distributed across all price ranges.
  • In Uniswap v3, liquidity providers (LPs) can set custom price ranges for their liquidity provision.
  • This allows LPs to concentrate their liquidity in price ranges where most trading activity occurs.
  • LPs can choose specific price ranges within which they want to provide liquidity, optimizing their capital allocation.
  • Uniswap v3 introduces an element similar to an on-chain order book, where market makers can decide the price ranges for liquidity provision.
  • This change benefits experienced market makers, while less active LPs may earn fewer trading fees.
  • Uniswap v3 adds complexity to the system, favoring those who optimize their strategies consistently.

Uniswap has evolved through different versions, starting with v1 as a proof of concept, followed by v2 with significant improvements, and then v3 introducing capital efficiency through customized price ranges for liquidity provision. These advancements have contributed to Uniswap's growth and cemented its position as a prominent decentralized exchange.

Other Milestones

Uniswap LP positions as NFTs

LP positions in Uniswap v3 are no longer fungible because each LP can determine its own price range. To represent these positions, Uniswap v3 introduced non-fungible tokens (NFTs). While each LP's position remains unique, the shared positions can still be made fungible using the ERC-20 standard.

With Uniswap v3, LPs now directly receive all fees in their respective NFTs. These NFTs can be traded between wallets, allowing holders to always collect position fees. The NFTs serve as digital images that convey important information, including the token pair and a curve that represents the position's "steepness." Moreover, each Uniswap v3 position features a distinct color scheme, and different pools are distinguished by various color variations.

Different Fee Tiers

To accommodate LPs' profit margin adjustments according to the expected volatility of token pairs, Uniswap v3 provides three fee levels: 0.05%, 0.30%, and 1.00%. This allows LPs to manage their risk exposure effectively. For instance, non-correlated pairs like ETH/USDT entail higher risks, whereas correlated pairs like stablecoin pairs involve lower risks. LPs can thus make informed decisions based on the risk levels associated with different token pairs.

Uniswap on Layer 2

As network usage has surged, Ethereum transaction fees have witnessed a historical upward trend. Consequently, smaller users often find it economically challenging to utilize Uniswap. However, Uniswap v3 introduces a solution to address this issue. By integrating Layer 2 scaling solutions, smart contracts can be scaled while maintaining the security offered by the Ethereum network. This implementation not only enhances transaction throughput but also guarantees lower fees for users, thus resolving the economic feasibility concerns associated with using Uniswap.

Uniswap on BNB Chain

Uniswap has successfully launched on the BNB chain after receiving 66% support from governance voters. This strategic move holds the potential to offer users more efficient and cost-effective trading options. By leveraging the high speed and low transaction fees of the BNB Chain, Uniswap users can now take advantage of enhanced trading experiences. Moreover, this integration opens doors to a fresh pool of liquidity, contributing to increased awareness and adoption of Uniswap among both retail and institutional investors.

Impermanent Loss

Impermanent loss occurs when the value of tokens in the pool changes compared to the initial deposit. For example, if Emily deposits 1 ETH and 100 USDT into a Uniswap pool with a total liquidity of 10 ETH and 1,000 USDT, her share is 10% of the pool.

Suppose the price of USDT increases, causing the pool's token ratio to adjust accordingly. When Emily withdraws her funds, she may think she made a profit. However, if she had held onto her initial deposit, she would have ended up with a higher value. This loss can be mitigated if the token prices revert to their initial values or by earning fees over time.

It's important for LPs to understand impermanent loss and its potential impact before contributing funds to a Uniswap pool. The concept applies regardless of whether the token prices rise or fall, meaning losses can be amplified if the prices decrease from the time of the deposit.

How Does the Uniswap Team Earn Money?

Uniswap operates by collecting a small fee on each trade executed on the platform, known as the "liquidity provider fee." This fee is a percentage of the trade value and is automatically distributed to the liquidity providers. Unlike traditional exchanges, Uniswap does not generate revenue for itself but rather for the LPs who contribute liquidity. LPs have the opportunity to maximize their earnings by concentrating their liquidity and increasing their exposure within the specified price range in Uniswap v3.

Another distinctive aspect of Uniswap is its open-source and decentralized nature. The protocol is not controlled or profit-driven by any central entity. Instead, it is maintained and enhanced by a community of developers and governed by the collective efforts of its participants, ensuring continuous progress and innovation.

What Is UNI Token?

Uniswap's native token, UNI, has gained significant traction among users and liquidity providers. As an ERC-20 token built on Ethereum, UNI can be securely stored in any cryptocurrency wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens.

Holders of UNI tokens enjoy governance rights, granting them the ability to vote on proposed changes and improvements to the Uniswap protocol. The voting power is determined by the number of governance tokens held by the user. The governance process is decentralized, allowing anyone to submit proposals and participate in voting.

UNI tokens can be easily bought and sold on various cryptocurrency exchanges, offering traders the flexibility to exchange UNI for other cryptocurrencies or engage in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Additionally, the UNI token ecosystem may expand as new use cases emerge through community requests and governance votes.

How to Use Uniswap?

To initiate a simple swap on Uniswap, you'll need a cryptocurrency wallet containing Ether or ERC-20 tokens. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get started:

  1. Visit the Uniswap website and connect your Ethereum wallet.
  2. Choose the specific token you want to trade. Uniswap supports various ERC-20 tokens, so ensure you select the correct one.
  3. Specify the number of tokens you wish to trade. The interface will provide an estimated amount of the other token you'll receive based on the current exchange rate.
  4. If you are satisfied with the trade details, click on the "Swap" button. Your wallet will then prompt you to confirm the transaction.
  5. After confirming the transaction, the trade will be executed on the Ethereum network. Finally, the tokens will be reflected in your wallet.

By following these steps, you can easily utilize Uniswap's simple swap feature to exchange your desired tokens.


The Uniswap protocol, built on Ethereum, enables users to exchange tokens directly without intermediaries. It offers a platform for traders to easily swap cryptocurrencies while allowing liquidity providers to earn fees on their idle assets. With the introduction of the UNI governance token, Uniswap emphasizes its community-driven approach. As the DeFi ecosystem continues to grow, the evolution of DEXs in meeting user demands while maintaining decentralization and trustlessness remains an intriguing prospect.
