In this article, we'll review the key metrics of your savings statistics. Let's start.
1. Status - shows the status of your savings.
2. Currency - shows the currency of your savings.
3. Passed days - this timeline shows the number of days have passed within a chosen period
4. APY, or Annual percentage yield - shows the rate, according to which your profit is calculated.
5. Redeem - cancellation policy, which means you can close your savings at any given time before expiration with the loss of the profit earned only.
6. Open/Close date - shows the time when you opened your savings and when it's scheduled to expire.
7. Amount - shows your invested amount.
8. Profit - shows, what you have earned for the period passed (from our example - 4 days).
9. Next payout - shows the date and amount to be paid for the period of 7 days (since the profit is credit to the balance every 7 days)
10. Re-subscribe - this option allows you to prolong your savings under the same conditions as you have now.
11. Internal ID - this is for our support team troubleshooting.
12. Transactions - shows the history of transactions within a particular savings. Please note, that the interest paid is not credited to your account until 7 days pass (since the profit is credit to the balance every 7 days)
13. "Cancel investment" button - allows you to close the savings with the loss of profit earned.
So now you have a better understanding of all the numbers shown. If you have any questions, feel free to drop a message to our support team.