Basic Security Rules

Basic Security Rules

When using, holding, and trading cryptocurrencies, it is important to maintain privacy, protect against scams and fraud, and be in charge of your security. To do so, individuals should avoid sharing sensitive information, educate themselves on common phishing tactics, and hold their private keys offline. It is also important to regularly assess and update security measures to ensure the safety of digital assets.


Inexperienced individuals who want to take advantage of the opportunities presented by cryptocurrencies must also be aware of the various risks and dangers involved. To minimize these risks, it is essential to follow the three main security principles below when using, holding, and trading cryptocurrencies.

Maintain Privacy

With the rapid spread of information on the internet, there is a heightened risk of undesirable propagation, particularly when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Malicious individuals often employ nefarious tactics to steal cryptocurrencies from vulnerable individuals. Although most attacks are broadly targeted, there are some cases of more sophisticated and focused attacks on specific individuals who have revealed sensitive information.

To protect yourself, avoid sharing sensitive information such as your successful trading rallies or previously used addresses. It is also essential to be cautious when mentioning your balances and avoid revealing any information that could be connected to your offline identity. Additionally, use encrypted communication channels to ensure that your conversations remain secure.

It is vital to think long-term and be aware that the value of your cryptocurrency holdings may increase significantly in the future. Thus, it is crucial to take precautions to avoid being targeted by potential attackers, distant relatives, or even envious strangers and acquaintances. By proactively safeguarding your crypto holdings, you can protect your investments and prevent any potential losses.

Personal Protection

Scams and frauds are not uncommon for both traditional banking and cryptocurrency users. However, with cryptocurrencies, the end-user bears the burden of responsibility due to the inherent lack of trust and immutability of transactions.

In contrast, banks are considered trusted entities and are fully responsible for the custodial control of your money. As regulated entities, they communicate with one another, making it easier to prevent and fight against fraud. If you get victimized or make an honest mistake when transferring money from your bank account, you can typically ask for a chargeback. In contrast, once a transaction is confirmed on a cryptocurrency network, it becomes irreversible.

To protect yourself, it is crucial to stay vigilant and educate yourself on common phishing tactics and threats described in our knowledge base. Using strong and unique passwords and enabling two-factor authentication protection for your online accounts is also vital.

It is essential to remember that humans make errors, so it is necessary to protect yourself against your own mistakes, such as making typos while creating backups, sending tokens to the wrong address, or making a wrong decision.

Be Your Own Bank

If you want to ensure the availability of your cryptocurrencies and maximize your security, it is recommended that you hold your private keys offline. While exchanges are safer than ever before, it is still advisable to keep substantial amounts in exchange accounts only if you are an active trader. It's important to keep in mind that you can only truly own your coins if you possess and control your private keys.

Unlike other assets, cryptocurrencies can be backed up on paper and accessed anywhere safely. However, holding and protecting these keys bring many perils, as previously mentioned.

There are various types of cryptocurrency wallets available that hold private keys, each varying in security, ease of use, number of use cases, and availability. Software and mobile phone wallets are easy to use, but they're connected to complex and online environments, making them vulnerable to hackers. Paper wallets, which hold private keys on paper or metal plates, are safer but challenging to manage and are typically for one-time use only.

Hardware wallets are the best balance between ease of use and high-level security. These pocket-sized devices protect private keys offline and require physical confirmation for most actions, making them less vulnerable to malware and hackers. However, they cost between $70 to $200. When choosing a wallet, consider your options and select the one that suits your needs.

Your Safety Is Your Job

Keeping your digital assets secure is an ongoing process that requires vigilance and constant effort. Security measures that worked in the past may not be sufficient today due to ever-evolving threats and vulnerabilities. To stay ahead of these challenges, it is important to regularly update your knowledge base and stay informed about the latest security best practices.

It is also crucial to identify and address potential weak points in your security setup regularly. This could involve reviewing your passwords and ensuring they are strong and unique, checking for any suspicious activity on your accounts, and staying vigilant against phishing attempts and other common threats.

By taking the time to stay informed and regularly assessing your security measures, you can help ensure the safety of your digital assets and protect yourself from potential risks and losses. Remember, security is an ongoing process, and by staying proactive and vigilant, you can help safeguard your investments for the long term.


It is crucial to maintain your privacy, protect yourself from scams and fraud, and be in charge of your security. Keeping your digital assets safe is a continuous effort that requires constant attention and improvement. By staying informed and proactive, you can help ensure the safety of your investments and protect them for the long term.

Personal Protection