Choosing Between Liquid, Traditional, and Pool Staking: Finding the Best Strategy

Choosing Between Liquid, Traditional, and Pool Staking: Finding the Best Strategy

3 Min.


This article examines the differences between liquid staking, traditional staking, and pool staking, offering insights into their operational mechanisms, benefits, and potential drawbacks. The goal is to aid in identifying the most appropriate staking strategy for your cryptocurrency investment approach.

What Is Staking?

Staking involves users pledging their cryptocurrency into a smart contract, thereby aiding in the blockchain's functionality and security. This process is essential for blockchains that operate on a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, with Ethereum being a prominent example.

There are two primary approaches to traditional staking: establishing your own validator node or delegating your assets to an existing one. Running a validator node demands technical expertise and substantial resources. In contrast, delegating allows users to assign their assets to a third-party validator.

What Is Liquid Staking?

Liquid staking represents a modern approach designed to offer greater flexibility compared to conventional staking methods. It enables users to stake their assets while preserving their liquidity.

The process involves creating synthetic tokens backed by staked assets. In contrast to traditional staking, this allows users to continue trading and utilizing staked assets within decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystems. The primary benefit of liquid staking lies in its goal to enhance flexibility and minimize opportunity costs for stakeholders.

Cooperative Staking: Collective Participation

Pooling staking resources is a collaborative strategy where users merge their assets to collectively engage in the staking process. This cooperative approach enables participants to earn staking rewards without requiring significant initial investments. Within a staking pool, rewards are allocated proportionally to each participant based on their contribution to the pool. This method proves advantageous for individuals who cannot stake independently.

Evaluating Options: Determining Your Ideal Choice

Selecting between liquid staking, traditional staking, and pool staking hinges on your specific situation and objectives.

  • Traditional staking appeals to individuals possessing extensive resources and technical proficiency.
  • Liquid staking offers flexibility and access to decentralized finance (DeFi) opportunities, making it ideal for those prioritizing adaptability.
  • Pool staking serves as a viable alternative for individuals with constrained resources yet desire to earn staking rewards.

Risks and Factors to Consider

While staking offers potential rewards, it's crucial to acknowledge the associated risks. These include the risk of losing staked assets in cases where a validator node (in traditional or pooled staking) behaves maliciously.

In liquid staking, there exists the risk of synthetic tokens not accurately representing the value of staked assets. Conducting comprehensive research and evaluating your risk tolerance are essential steps before selecting a staking approach.


Understanding the differences between liquid staking, traditional staking, and pool staking provides valuable insights into their operational dynamics, benefits, and potential pitfalls. Each method offers distinct advantages tailored to different investor needs, from liquidity preservation and flexibility in DeFi with liquid staking to technical expertise requirements in traditional staking, and collaborative benefits in pool staking. Choosing the right staking strategy requires careful consideration of one's financial goals, risk tolerance, and technical capabilities to optimize participation in the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency investments.

Liquid Staking
Pool Staking